Blogging Business Entertainment

Pick What Doesn’t Belong, Win FREE FOOD!

I cleaned under my bed today, and while it hasn’t really been all that long – maybe 4 days? – I found a pile of garbage.  On my husband’s side, of course.

Your task: read the following list and pick which TWO items I DIDN’T find under my bed, and I’ll send you a $25 gift card to In-N-Out Burger!

Unless, of course, you’re Meghan, or you just don’t have one near you, in which case I’ll send you a gift card for something else that happens to be delicious, based on your preference.  And on what gift cards I happen to have in my junk drawer at the time.

1.  Dirty T-Shirt

2.  Almost empty container of Planter’s Dry Roasted Peanuts

3.  Half Eaten Cookie

4.  Used Flosser

5.  Popsicle Stick

6.  Crusty Paper Plate

7.  Paper Towel with a Big Spot on it

8.  Bowl with Gooey Ice Cream at the Bottom

9.  Granola Bar Wrapper

10.  Jar of Peanut Butter

11.  2 Dirty Socks – That Don’t Match

You have until…. hmmm…  Tuesday 1/19/10 at 5:00 pm Pacific to enter your guess (2 guesses, maximum, unless nobody actually enters and then my five readers can guess as much as they want), at which time I’ll post a photo of what I actually found.

Good Luck!  And tell your friends!

Blogging Business Entertainment

The Best of 2009 at The Sweet Life

I’ve seen one blogger a lot of bloggers publishing “best of 2009” posts, which I think is sheer genius.

After all, I’ve consumed far too much wine, turkey and various tasty things to be able to string together a coherent sentence or two.

So, for the love of all that is lazy, here are they are.  In my not-so-humble opinion, of course. 

Some are funny, some are sappy.  All are a piece of the best I have to offer. 

When God Negotiates

The Meth Capital

Mending Fences

Laugh, Anyway in honor of the Ever Lovely Madeline Spohr

Clearly, She’s Not

One Task

The Little Guy

Mid-Night Musings

Foul Air

The Price of Getting it Done

By the Light of the Moon

Happy New Year!  May 2010 bring out the best in all of us.

Blog Carnivals Entertainment

Happy Holidays and All That Jazz


For so many of us, 2009 has been incredibly hard.

I want you to know that I appreciate all of the friendships I have.

Whether I see you face to face on a regular basis, or we connect through our keyboards – my cup runneth over.  Thank you.

Here’s to a fantastic New Year!  *Cheers*

Much Love,

Entertainment Home and Garden

Yes, Another One

Jeremy and I bought another junk house.

It’s disgusting, I won’t lie.  I’ll post some photos, soon!

I wrote about our first day of demolition on twitter, because I don’t like to swear on my family blog.


Speaking of family.

Kelly took some amazing photos of us and I’m giving you a sneak peek.

Entertainment Life in general

Front and Back

She wakes in the morning, feeling a little blue.

Her favorite dress is hanging in the closet, so she puts it on.  It will help her to have a better day.

She goes to work.  She chats with her co-workers.  She counts down the minutes until lunch. 

As she crosses the street, she notices a man in a car watching her.  She holds her head a little higher, her shoulders a little straighter. 

At the bank, she chats with the clerk.  Another man catches her eye, and winks.  Her favorite dress has worked its magic. 

She walks through the mall, window shopping on her way to the food court.  She feels tall, beautiful, confident.

At the last store, she notices a dress in the window and goes in to try it on.

She steps into the dressing room, and there, in the glare of the three way mirror, she sees what everyone else has seen.

Her beautiful, favorite dress is tucked into her panties.

Her huge, stretched out, granny panties.

PMS is a bitch.

*Don’t worry, it didn’t happen to ME. I left off names to protect the em-bare-ass-ed *