Entertainment Life in general

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I almost skipped today’s post.  So far I haven’t missed a day in March, so although I thought about skipping out, in the end I succumbed to the call of the computer.  Why did I come so close to skipping today, you ask?  No, I wasn’t in a Saint-Patrick’s-Day drunken stupor (although, as soon as I’m done breast feeding my first order of business is going to be to (get a babysitter and then) drink as many pina coladas and strawberry margaritas as possible in one sitting without vomiting.  Natasha, are you in on this or what?) but rather, I have caught some nasty head cold and even had to take  a nap today.  Fortunately I’ve got a little cushion before my next deadline needs to be met – Kim’s shower invitations are all buttoned-up , thanks to this wonderful creation they call ZOTS, and all that needs to be finished is the printing and mailing.  The dreaded April 15th IRS wolf-at-the-door is less than a month away, yes, but I’ve got all the necessary stuff for that in my inbox for tomorrow and once I get it all organized, the fabulous accountant will take care of the rest.  Well, except for paying the bill and OUCH, I am not looking forward to THAT one.  Do you know that in all my years (I’m allowed to say that now that I’m in my 30’s), this will be the first time I won’t be receiving a refund but instead sending $$$?  It hurts, yes it does.  Being a bona-fide grown up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, my friends.

So anyway, I’ve got this nasty head cold and my nose is running like a faucet, yet is completely blocked at the same time.  My ear hurts, my face is swollen, my temples throb.  Whine, whine.  And yes, I would like some cheese with that.

Entertainment Kids

A Chicken

Alison drew a chicken on her scribble pad today.  And, if she does say so herself, it is the best looking chicken she’s ever seen.



This is ancient history now, but way back two weeks ago, just before the sickness struck, we took the girls up to Butte Meadows, where our friends Rick & Natasha have a cabin.  It was our first snow trip of the season, and Blythe’s first snow experience ever.  In a lot of ways the trip was absolutely miserable for me, but since a little time has passed, now I can write about it without crying and just focus on the fun stuff.  Because even in the worst situations, a little fun can be had.

While Blythe took a nap, Alison and I climbed on top of the roof and made slides with our butts.  The neighbor’s dog, Dingo, and the random dog that hangs around, Bear, thought it looked fun so they joined us.  
See the pure bliss on Alison’s face?  Here are Dingo, Jamie (Alison’s “new friend”), Alison and Bear on the roof.

Alison and I slept together two nights in a row, and the last night Blythe even slept between us once it got so cold in the room it felt like we were sleeping outside.  Ever since, Alison has been asking to “stay overnight” with me.  But not Daddy, because he snores.  Which is why he had to sleep on the couch at the cabin – she refused to let him into bed with us.  Not that the four of us could have fit into a one bed, anyway.  When Blythe fussed and woke Alison about half way through the night, Alison sat up and said, “Mom.  She’s ruining my sleep.”  And then passed out.

Natasha and I made bisquick pancakes for everyone on Sunday morning, using the huge gridle on the cabin stove.  We put chocolate chips in ours!

Here they are, all bundled up and ready for some snowy fun.