Entertainment Kids

Instant Entertainment

Our satellite receiver went out a couple of weeks ago.  At the time, we were worried about what the hell we were going to do for three whole days without TV, while we waited for the new one to arrive.

Oddly, we didn’t really miss it all that much.  Something about the sun shining, birds singing, blah blah blah.

The new one arrived a week and a half ago, and it sat there in the box, unopened, until this morning when we finally had a few spare hours minutes to read the directions and untangle a zillion cords.

It’s funny what a couple of weeks without television will do to you – and to your kids, for that matter. 

I give you:

Bubble Wrap, Instant Entertainment for the Whole Family.  Reality TV at its finest.

(Bubble Wrap from Andrea Edwards on Vimeo.)

We’ve spent more time enjoying the bubble wrap than the new receiver.  I wonder how long that will last?

Blog Carnivals Entertainment

Tag – I’m It

Kendra over at The Adventures of the Headless Family tagged me for a meme.  Thank goodness she did, because I’m still struggling to recover from a weekend of drunkenness with my cousins, and my brain doesn’t bounce back as quickly as it used to.

The rules:
1) Go to your photo files
2) Pick the sixth folder (open)
3) Pick the 6th photo
4) Write a story about the photo
5) Tag six people

Although, had Kendra known what I’d end up having to post, she probably would have skipped over my name and chosen to tag someone else.


On the way up to Tahoe, after miles and miles of winding roads and no rest stops, there is a Shell gas station.  There is always a line for the bathroom, and if you can’t figure out why, you should probably go back and read that last sentence again.

While you wait your turn, you can do your little pee-pee dance while perusing the various statues they have for sale.


This is what is at eye level, right outside the bathroom.  I don’t know, do you think it helps people do their business faster? 

And don’t worry, I DID NOT TOUCH.  How would I have explained that purchase to Jeremy?

Who will I tag?  Hmmmm.

Kellee, of The (not so) Small Things
Neena, of MamaNeena.
Meghan, of
A Mom, Two Boys and All Mediocre
Sophie, of Our Life, Inzaburbs
Susan, of Sassafrassery
Maura, of One Ping Only

If I didn’t tag you and you’d like to play, let me know so I can see what you came up with!

Entertainment Guest Posts Life in general

NYC: The Skinny

If I ever manage to suppress my neuroses long enough to leave my children and make a long-delayed trip to NYC, I plan to stalk the hell out of Marinka while I’m there.  If her blog is any indication, hilarious things happen around her every minute of the day, and who wouldn’t want a little taste of that?  Maybe I’ll hop on a plane as soon as I’m done with jury duty.  Yeah, probably not.  I need a bit more therapy first.

NYC:  The Skinny

Disclaimer: This post has some crude humor. In no way am I mocking terrorism or missing children or emaciated celebrities. Humor is just the way that I deal with tough subjects.  But just in case, no way am I putting this post on MY blog. Good luck, Andrea!

Sometimes I get the sense that people think that living in New York City is really fun and glamorous and strewn with celebrities. Well, the last part is true. Last week I saw one of the Olsen twins getting out of the car right in front of me. I was really excited, but mostly because I thought that it was Madeleine McCann and I was starting to prepare for the rewards and accolades that would surely be forthcoming as soon as I liberated her from her driver-kidnapper, but then I realized that she was too tiny to be a six year old, and was, in fact, an Olsen.

But NYC isn’t all fun and games, you know. It’s also fucking terrifying and we’re all pretty much scared shitless over here. Although we know how to use it to our advantage.

A few weeks after 9/11, my friend John and I started a diet. Our stomachs were in knots as a result of the biggest terrorist attack on the United States and the fact that almost daily the streets around our office and homes were blocked off with bomb squads attending to suspicious packages really worked wonders to suppress our appetites. We decided that since the terrorists gave us a jump start on our diets, we might as well roll with it. We figured that a few more months of being on this heightened alert and we’d be in the best shapes of our lives and if the war on terror kept going strong, we’d be a really big splash on the beach and not just when we jumped into the ocean.

Being super smart, however, we worried about dying hungry.

“I mean, what if there is another terrorist attack and we’re killed,” I asked. “Shouldn’t we have some chocolate before we take our last breath?”

John had to concede that there was a lot of wisdom to what I was saying and we agreed that maybe we should carry some small “forbidden” snacks with us at all times, in case of such an emergency.

Unfortunately, as soon as I started to carry a few Hershey’s kisses, it appeared that I was in constant mortal danger. Once, on my way to work, I was certain that I spotted bin Laden sitting across from me on the subway. Somehow he made himself shorter and blond, but those terrorists will stop at nothing to harm to our country. I had to have a few chocolate kisses because I’m not going to be caught dead hungry.

Because I value my life and the terror threat didn’t abate as quickly as I’d hoped, I was forced to upgrade from kisses to fun-sized to regular to King in a matter of weeks. This had an unfortunate effect on the size of my ass. John long decided that I wasn’t a worthy diet partner and went off on his own, so I had to deal with that rejection as well. I highly recommend Reese’s Peanut Butter cups as a salve for a broken heart.

Really, I have no idea how that Olsen girl stays so skinny. She must commute to Afghanistan or something.

Entertainment Guest Posts

How I Found Myself Embroiled in Twitter Drama

Last year at BlogHer ’08, I had the pleasure of hanging out with today’s guest: Meghan, of A Mom, Two Boys and All Mediocre.  In fact, if it weren’t for Meghan, I probably would have ended up cowering in the corner, afraid of meeting new people.  Instead, I got drunk and passed out cards like candy.  I have a mind to repay her kindness by sending some twitter hate this dude’s way.  Anyone with me?


How I Found Myself Embroiled in Twitter Drama

When Andrea asked for guest posters, I was quick to throw my hand up in the air.  Because I love Andrea and was totally willing to help her out, certainly not because there was something I *knew* I needed to write about.  I was actually completely stumped about what I’d have to say.

The universe, in all it’s bitchiness, has given me plenty of topics in the past few weeks.

Or, really, the wonderful world of Twitter has given me plenty of topics in the last few weeks.  But we’ll just concentrate on one today.

***Drumroll, Please***

I’m not a fan of celebrity following on Twitter.  I’m probably one of the few people who doesn’t follow Diddy, Ashton & Demi, Britney Spears, or the like.

I follow John Cleese, Eddie Izzard and Chelsea Handler.  I check in on Jon Favreau on occasion.

And then a few weeks ago, I somehow stumbled across the Twitter account of Rob Corddry.  For those of you who don’t know who he is (which, apparently is a lot of you- HA), he’s a comedic actor who used to be a correspondent on the Daily Show.  He’s had bit parts in some funny films, like Old School, and had a network sitcom that didn’t last too long.

And I was a fan.  He’s funny.  So, I followed him.  And when I followed him I sent a tweet that said something along the lines of:

“Rob Corddry is on Twitter!  I love him!”

And shortly thereafter, I got a direct message from him that said:

“Awww…you’re a nice lady.”

And ACK!  OMG, how cute is he?

So I told my friend Heather , and she and I started talking about it on Twitter.  That conversation went something like this:

Me: “ZOMG, Rob Corddry called me nice!”

Heather: “He must not know you very well”

Me:  “True, if he DID know me, he’d call me something like Whore or Stalker”  (Foreshadowing people, foreshadowing…dun dun dun)

Heather: “Or bitch”

And it went on like that for a while.  And then I wrote a post* about how Rob Corddry DM’d me and how I thought it was AWESOME, but being my smart ass self, I titled it “Rob Corddry called me a Whore*”

With the * linking to a clarification at the bottom that he hadn’t actually called me a whore.

And since my posts automatically show up to Twitter, and because I thought it was funny & re-tweet’d it, Rob Corddry caught wind of the fact that he’d “called” me a whore.

And he sent me ANOTHER DM that said: “I think you’re adorable, but I have no idea what the crap you’re talking about…whore.”

And I was all “HA!  Rob Corddry’s AWESOME.  What a good sport.”

And the Rob Corddry joke lived on.  And I’d mention him in tweets and have conversations about him with people.  Because most people thought it was cool that a “celebrity” was down to earth enough to converse with the masses.

We were wrong.

Not long after, someone I’d had a twitter conversation with about him emailed me the text from a DM that Rob Corddry had sent them:

“I can’t DM her because I blocked her like Karate.  Tell her she’s adorably annoying.  Minus adorably.”

SAY WHAT?!  Rob Corddry BLOCKED me?!  And he felt the need to talk shit about me behind my back?!

And then my heart dropped.  And luckily it was close enough to 5pm to justify pouring myself a glass of wine.

Because I was BUMMED.  And a little pissed.

So, I did what any self-respecting 12 year old would do.  I sent a Tweet about it:

“OMG!  I just found out Rob Corddry has no sense of humor.  Bummer, huh?”

At which point, several twitter friends picked up on it, but had no idea WHY we didn’t like Rob Corddry anymore, and started talking shit about HIM.

Which is funny.  But apparently he didn’t think so, because he started re-tweeting everything they were saying.

And calling them names.  And, in general, being an even bigger jerk that I had just learned he was.

It was drama.  And stupid.  But it all left me feeling really bummed out and I was teary all night.  And eventually hungover, because I ended up drinking 3/4 of a bottle of wine. (OOPS)

Then I came to the realization that Rob Corddry needing to feel important enough to BLOCK someone has nothing to do with me as a person.  It’s all about feeding his own ego.

Plus?  I was annoyed he’d blocked me because I couldn’t have the satisfaction of hitting the “unfollow” button on his sorry ass.

And I started to feel better and vowed to NEVER mention his name on Twitter again.

But, yes, I realize I just typed it here a million times.  But this isn’t Twitter.

And from now on, I will NEVER say his name again.  You have my word.

* That post will never see the light of day again.  I took it down.  Because I don’t want his name on my blog.  BooYah.

Entertainment Guest Posts

The Anonymous Bitch Fest

Welcome to the Anonymous Bitch Fest!  I’ve got a guest post that talks about the horrors involved with family finding your blog, thus putting an end to the anonymous bitch fest your blog was supposed to be on a daily basis.  That being said – I’d love to hear some bitching from the rest of you.  You can sign your name if you wish, but either way – rip your clothes off and run naked through the crowd!  Figuratively speaking, of course. 

Even if YOU don’t feel better afterward, the rest of us will.  So quit being selfish and comment!


Naively, one of the reasons I started a blog was to bitch, anonymously. Sometimes it just helps to get it out, right? 

The end, for me, came quickly. I had written a piece about a family event that I was pretty proud of and copied it to send to a couple of family members. Unknown to me, I left the link in the title and a computer-savvy family member (“CSFM” if you will,) clicked on it and “found” me. 

Luckily everyone loved that piece, but I have come to hate that CSFM found me. This person and I don’t see eye to eye on just about anything. The election was horrible – many over-the-net arguments about this candidate or that issue. I am the recipient of emails linked to articles and videos that (primarily) I’ve seen and disagreed with. 

CSFM is someone that is generally quite smart, but has turned into the internet and writing snob. I routinely get comments from CSFM about how I should be writing, or how often, or “look for ideas here!” Honestly, if someone else gave me the same advice it might be welcomed but since it comes from this particular someone it comes off as pompous, elitist, and assholish (totally a word, right?).  CSFM thinks that theirs is the only opinion that matters. 

Several years ago CSFM was diagnosed with a medical condition that is annoying, but not life threatening. It affects what we (as a larger family) can eat and serve when CSFM is around. This is not a life-threatening allergy, this person is not a child. Yet, when we all get together it is ALL OF OUR problem. Unfortunately, there are some other members of the family that completely bow to CSFM’s whims and play into the mentality of ‘me, me, me, me’. We are ‘forced’ to comply because woe is he/she that doesn’t bow to these needs. The wrath is truly horrible. 

A few times over the last few years we have vacationed with this person, but last summer was the last time. My spouse and I have agreed to not vacation with CSFM/family anymore. The last time was wrought with food issues, mood swings, blatant disregard of our beliefs, and more. I refuse to put myself or my children in that situation any more.

Plus, when anyone tries to speak up about the elephant in the room we end up being the ones that are wrong, not CSFM. Figures.  I have recently decided to ignore anything coming from this person-whether an email, blog comment, or otherwise, because I just really can’t handle it.

I really don’t want to feel this way. Life’s too short in many ways to allow someone so close to drop out of your life.  But at what cost do you allow someone like CSFM to rule over all of your interactions? At what point do you say enough?   For now, I have to say enough.

But I’m obviously not over it or I wouldn’t be writing anonymously, now, would I?