Home and Garden

The Price of Getting It Done

We’ve been remodeling our house for about a year now.

Not the whole thing, just the living room, dining room, and two of the bedrooms.  So, let’s call that half.

We’re almost done.  The end is in sight.  I can almost taste the normal (construction-free) dust.

This past weekend, I was determined to get the primer coat of paint on our new living room.

The only problem?  What to do with my kids while I worked.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not above putting a paint roller in their grubby little hands.  My husband and I are proud that we’ve been blatantly ignoring child labor laws for years now, but the kids lost interest after the first 5 minutes.

It only took 8 hours of child-neglect, but I got it done. 

So, what happens when a desperate mother puts her 5 year old “in charge” for hours on end?

First, they raided my craft/sewing cabinet.  It’s not like I ever use any of that stuff anyway, right?

Next, apparently, it was lunch time.  So they made swill.

And by the way?  Swill really stinks if left to marinate overnight.

So do a dozen bottles.  And yeah, my 2 year old still takes a bottle.  Wanna make something of it?

Alison decided it was her (4 month old) kitten’s birthday, so they had to get into the closet and pull out all the party supplies.  And I do mean all of the party supplies.

Please note that Charlie-the-kitten is not present.  He hid during the “festivities”. 

Maybe because of all the blow up animals that showed up for the party?

Before too long, they lost interest in birthdays and decided August is the perfect time to start decorating for Christmas.

Think I can get away with leaving them up until January?

So, what’s the price of getting shit done?  A big mess, take-out for dinner, whiney kids, and sore shoulders. 

But at least it’s done.  Until tomorrow, when I’ll paint it all again.

12 replies on “The Price of Getting It Done”

Whatever you gotta do to keep them busy, right?

So glad you got the first coat done. Can’t wait to see the finished remodel with carpet and furniture and all the goodies. You will show pictures, right?

They didn’t burn down the house, so that is a plus. LOL on the Christmas in August. Hallmark started putting xmas crap out in July, so your girls are behind.

I’m totally for Christmas year round. You should leave that up!

Last year we went through a partial remodel—we painted everything inside and out, refinished some of the hardwood floors (oddly, not all), got new carpet and remodeled the kitchen. We finished about a year ago, and I STILL find dry wall dust (and no, I’m not a bad house keeper). It was totally worth microwaved meals and takeout, washing dishes in the bathtub and eating off paper plates. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re all done.

It looks like it is going to be so, so worth it. That lovely open space!

I love how your kids just got busy and amused themselves the whole time. I am like you, once I get going with a job I don’t want to stop. But it’s the screaming that does it 😉

You are giving them a gift actually. For these kids to be able to actually keep themselves busy at this age is amazing. Also, they see you are hard at work to to build your home. That to me is awesome. and…who doesn’t love Christmas??!!

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