Entertainment Guest Posts Life in general

NYC: The Skinny

If I ever manage to suppress my neuroses long enough to leave my children and make a long-delayed trip to NYC, I plan to stalk the hell out of Marinka while I’m there.  If her blog is any indication, hilarious things happen around her every minute of the day, and who wouldn’t want a little taste of that?  Maybe I’ll hop on a plane as soon as I’m done with jury duty.  Yeah, probably not.  I need a bit more therapy first.

NYC:  The Skinny

Disclaimer: This post has some crude humor. In no way am I mocking terrorism or missing children or emaciated celebrities. Humor is just the way that I deal with tough subjects.  But just in case, no way am I putting this post on MY blog. Good luck, Andrea!

Sometimes I get the sense that people think that living in New York City is really fun and glamorous and strewn with celebrities. Well, the last part is true. Last week I saw one of the Olsen twins getting out of the car right in front of me. I was really excited, but mostly because I thought that it was Madeleine McCann and I was starting to prepare for the rewards and accolades that would surely be forthcoming as soon as I liberated her from her driver-kidnapper, but then I realized that she was too tiny to be a six year old, and was, in fact, an Olsen.

But NYC isn’t all fun and games, you know. It’s also fucking terrifying and we’re all pretty much scared shitless over here. Although we know how to use it to our advantage.

A few weeks after 9/11, my friend John and I started a diet. Our stomachs were in knots as a result of the biggest terrorist attack on the United States and the fact that almost daily the streets around our office and homes were blocked off with bomb squads attending to suspicious packages really worked wonders to suppress our appetites. We decided that since the terrorists gave us a jump start on our diets, we might as well roll with it. We figured that a few more months of being on this heightened alert and we’d be in the best shapes of our lives and if the war on terror kept going strong, we’d be a really big splash on the beach and not just when we jumped into the ocean.

Being super smart, however, we worried about dying hungry.

“I mean, what if there is another terrorist attack and we’re killed,” I asked. “Shouldn’t we have some chocolate before we take our last breath?”

John had to concede that there was a lot of wisdom to what I was saying and we agreed that maybe we should carry some small “forbidden” snacks with us at all times, in case of such an emergency.

Unfortunately, as soon as I started to carry a few Hershey’s kisses, it appeared that I was in constant mortal danger. Once, on my way to work, I was certain that I spotted bin Laden sitting across from me on the subway. Somehow he made himself shorter and blond, but those terrorists will stop at nothing to harm to our country. I had to have a few chocolate kisses because I’m not going to be caught dead hungry.

Because I value my life and the terror threat didn’t abate as quickly as I’d hoped, I was forced to upgrade from kisses to fun-sized to regular to King in a matter of weeks. This had an unfortunate effect on the size of my ass. John long decided that I wasn’t a worthy diet partner and went off on his own, so I had to deal with that rejection as well. I highly recommend Reese’s Peanut Butter cups as a salve for a broken heart.

Really, I have no idea how that Olsen girl stays so skinny. She must commute to Afghanistan or something.

14 replies on “NYC: The Skinny”

I always carry forbidden snacks around just in case of an emergency. My little emergency case contains:

1) A can of Guiness (draught)
2) A bottle of Rioja
3) A creme egg
4) A copy of the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

My life is one big emergency these days…so…I have to remember to refill the case each morning…

I’m off to raid the secret stash of Easter Candy right now…darn you marinka! Actually, I’ve had 2 kids now and after each (from months of puking and leaving little room in my abdomen for my stomach) I wind up 5-20 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight after delivery. This time around I was 20 lbs less than my pre-preg weight…just 5 months out I’m only 10 lbs less. I think it’s time for me to get pregnant again…

Ha! Marinka is nuts, but hell yeah on the emergency snacks!

I just walked into a Walgreens and purchased 10 rolls of Cinnamon-flavored Mentos. They “live” in my purse, while my bag of Dove chocolates hang out in the fridge ‘cos it’s starting to get warm and melted chocolate in a favorite purse is no fun. As for my ass? It has it’s own zip code now, but my mouth is happy.

Too funny as usual. You know I LOVE chocolate. My emergency stash at home is dark chocolate nuggets with almonds..mmmmm. In my purse are tins of chocolate covered Altoids. Fresh breath and my chocolate fix in one. But I do like Stoneskin’s emergency kit…it just needs some chocolate.

My husband just jumped out of the hallway and scared me. Gotta go get a Reece’s Cup.

Keep your fingers crossed that his throat will return to normal once the swelling goes down.

Marinka is hilarious…

And forbidden snacks?! You betcha! Mine consists of wine, chocolate and ice cream with a few cheetos thrown in for good measure. Don’t eat it all together, though, as that would just be gross!

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