Health and Nutrition

For Spite

Alternately titled:


A few weeks ago I was chucking along on the treadmill at the gym when I overheard the following conversation:

Blonde: “Yeah, so, I’m kinda like thinking about entering that fitness competition?  And so I was, ya know, looking it up on the website?  And then I was all, O-M-G, the age cut off for my class is, like, THIRTY-FIVE.”

Brunette: “OH MY GOD.  AS IF.”

**insert hysterical laughter**

Dre: **rolls her eyes and ups the speed on her treadmill**

Blonde:  “Oh my god, I know, right?  Like, there is no way someone in their thirties could compete with this.”  **Flambouyantly gestures to herself**

Dre **physically restrains herself from cutting a twenty-something bitch with a water bottle cut into a shiv**


So, purely for spite, this thirty-something woman is starting a 10-week fitness training regimen to get myself ready for competition, where I plan to kick some twenty-something ass.

Don’t worry, lovelies, it’s not a body building competition.  I would never, ever do that to my body.  It’s a “Women’s Figure Competition” which is quite different, in that the women still look like women, not dudes with breast implants.*

Each weekend I plan to update my progress here and answer any questions that come in through the week, so ask away.

Keep in mind that I reserve the right to chicken out.  You prance around in a swimsuit in front of thousands of people, and then give me shit for changing my mind.  I also reserve the right to decide that Women’s Figure Competitions are completely lame.



*I am very sorry if you are a woman body builder and I offended you.  It’s just not my thing.  Please don’t hurt me.

19 replies on “For Spite”

You are already in ridiculously good shape. Far better than I ever looked in my twenties. Have to say though – that conversation you overheard is embarassing. Who actually talks like that? Sounds like dialogue from a bad ’80s movie.

Srsly that is one KILL-er bawd Go for it but if you change your mind know that your readers were all on your side

um yeah… you know how i feel about this one.

that being said, happy training, and KICK SOME ASS!!!

ps- this is coming from a 20-something… well… almost a 30-something.

whatever. i’m babbling. the pictures got me all distracted.

I’ve been here for a while but have never posted. But today I HAD TO!! I had to go back and double check that yours was the blog with the pixs of you in “your too-small pants”

WOW, CONGRATULATIIONS!! You look great!!!

I know back then you mentioned a site….what else is your secret?!?!

um, 10 week fitness training? You are smoking as is. My lord, if I could look half as good as you in a ONE PIECE suit, I would be golden. Where the hell are your stretch marks 😉
You are going to kick major ass!!!!

HOT MAMA! If I had your bod I’d be putting pics of myself in a swimsuit all over my blog and the rest of te internet, too. Seriously, you look amazing. Good luck in the competition! Unless it’s lame, then who needs it anyway?

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