Work at Home

Business as Usual

Here at chez Sweet Life, we run a half dozen businesses out of our home.

We’ve got a Corporation, an LLC, three sole proprietorships and a charitable organization. 

You know how they say you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket?  Well, you could say we’ve taken that idea and run with it.

The problem is, there are so many damn baskets, it’s hard to keep track of them all and keep the eggs from being dropped, broken, or neglected until they become a stinking, rotten mess.

There are times that I feel like I’ve got everything under control, and our little operation is running smoothly.  Other times?  Which is to say, most of the time? 

Not.  So.  Much.  It’s incredibly hard to keep all those baskets of eggs balanced when there are little people in constant need of loving attention.

All that to say, I’m feeling overwhelmed.  Again.  Or maybe Still?  I’m not sure which.

Just when I start to think I’ve got everything in order, something else comes screaming in from elsewhere and I feel like I lose my balance. 

So, how do you all do it?  How do you balance life and work and family and SELF without losing your minds?

6 replies on “Business as Usual”

I’ve probably got 20 different posts covering different aspects of that ever elusive balance. I’ve come to the conclusion that based on varying factors such as sleep deprivation and hormones, it comes down to sometimes I juggle all the balls with the grace of a circus performer and sometimes I’m one of the Stooges.

But hey, if you figure out the magical formula, you’ll tell me, right?

The answer is i don’t do without losing my mind. About five minutes ago I had an argument with my husband about a snappy comment he made about my son’s bday presents not being put away yet. There is only so much that one mother can do.

Just soldier on. 🙂 It’s all we can do.

When it gets to be too much, I start walking away from stuff. I pulled the girls out of gymnastics for a while because I yelled at a mom in the parking lot for driving like an idiot. It wasn’t the first time she drove like an idiot, but it was the first time I yelled at her. Right now I think we’re all going to snap, so the closets won’t get cleaned, the basement is a mess and I haven’t gotten to bed at a reasonable time in a while. The only thing that gets me through it is knowing that it will ease up soon.

I feel the same way, even though mine is just one business, I do basically every job there in it. I replaced a number of people. So when I have one “job” under control, another one is suddenly a mess. I don’t know how people do it. If I manage to get everything to do with work under control, everything else in life is an utter mess, and the other way around as well. Good luck, hon. 🙂

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