
Butterfly in Waiting

My Sweet Little Blythe,

Today you are three years old. 

You have lived 1095 days on this Earth, and you have taken every single one of them by storm.

You changed the world the day you were born, baby girl, and you continue to change it with every breath you take, every word you speak, every step you take.

I look back on the past three years and I am in awe of your intelligence, your grace, your joy.  None of us knew who you would be, my love, as we waited to meet you on the day of your birth.  I could never have imagined the wonderful person you are becoming.

You have taught me so much.  I thought I knew what love was, sweet Blythe, but from you I have learned the true meaning.

You are hope.

You are courage.

You are strength.

I see you, my little Butterfly in Waiting.  You are aching to fly, willing your wings to grow faster, bigger, stronger.

Each night as you lie in the dark, drifting off to sleep, I sing your favorite song, the one you heard in a movie  once and have loved ever since.  It reminds you that one day, you will get to do all the things you dream of doing.

Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you’ll be
Can’t go far, but you can always dream.

Wish you may and wish you might.
Don’t you worry, hold on tight.
I promise you, there will come a day…

Butterfly fly away.  Butterfly fly away.

Every day that passes brings me closer to singing you the second verse.  I hold you tighter and closer to me, hoping to memorize your smell, your voice, your touch. 

You are only three years old today, Blythe, but before I know it you will be ready.

You are becoming a butterfly right before my eyes.

Butterfly fly away.
You’ve got your wings now, you can’t stay.
Take those dreams and make them all come true.

Butterfly fly away.

You’ve been waitin’ for this day.
All along, you’ve known just what to do…

Butterfly fly away.  Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly….
Butterfly fly away.

You are your Daddy’s Cupcake, but you are my Butterfly in Waiting. 

You will not be tamed, baby girl.   You take my breath away, right here on the ground.  

I cannot wait to see you fly.

All My Love,


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