Health and Nutrition

And Now I Know What Menopause Feels Like

Remember back when I had that ovarian cancer  scare , and it turned out I just had extremely low estrogen

Well, guess what?

Estrogen replacement therapy isn’t covered by my insurance , since I’m not menopausal!  Isn’t that nice?  For the insurance company?  Why yes, yes it is!  Haha!

Fortunately for me, I have a doctor who knows all about natural remedies.  Because, seriously people, there is not a single prescription in this family that is covered by insurance.  And that’s a damn shame, since we fork over almost as much for insurance and prescriptions as we do for our mortgage!  Isn’t that nice?  For the insurance company?  Why yes, yes it is!  Haha!

I’ve been taking Organic Black Cohosh , which is is an herbal supplement known to help increase the body’s estrogen level.  By the way, I love how they put the words, “Menopausal & Perimenopausal Support” in bright red letters right on the front of the label!  Haha!

The trick of it is, I have to take the Black Cohosh capsules exactly 12 hours apart or I start to experience… drumroll please… all the fun symptoms of menopause!

If I take the capsules too close together, I get the symptoms of too much estrogen – hot flashes, crabbiness, restlessness.  If I take the capsules too far apart (or forget one all together) I get the symptoms of a drop in estrogen – migraines, chills, lethargy, and random spotting. 

Isn’t that nice?   Haha!

Do you think this whole faux-menopause-at-32 thing will score me a senior discount at IHOP?

Now that would be nice!

11 replies on “And Now I Know What Menopause Feels Like”

Ugh. As a fellow low-estrogen sufferer (is that a word?), I sympathize. Hope the black cohosh works. I’ve had great luck (when I remember to use it) with a bio-identical hormone cream. Let me know if you want details. I’m going to ask my acupuncturist about the black cohosh though….

Oh wow. *hugs* I have Fibromyalgia so although I don’t know what it’s like to deal with hormonal issues (I mean, aside from my wacky five pregnancies LOL) I do know how it is to feel like your body’s working against you! I hope the regimen you’ve developed works for you. And SHAME on your insurance 🙁 That sucks.

If it makes you feel any better, the insurance companies fight with everyone about Rx. We have fab insurance and they still deny certain Rx just because. It’s frustrating.

Oh geez. I’m sorry, hon. I have no doubt that black cohosh will be better for you right now than HRT, though. The risks are entirely different, and less.

And I’m kind of concerned about this Haha!ing all over the place. Are you cracking up? 🙂

I just got diagnosed with a low thyroid, do you think I should try what they want me to take( I have no insurance) or do you think I should try something natural? I have not looked into the natural remedies yet since I just got the call today.

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