Life in general Travel

The Ewww Factor

Have you ever put your driver’s license in your back pocket for easy access?

I have.  In fact, my license spent a good portion of this past weekend cozied up against my tush, while my family and I traveled to Oklahoma and back.

I love my drivers license.  All my previous license photos have been hideous, which I think is the standard, isn’t it?  But this one is downright flattering.

I flash this baby every time I get a chance, especially since, as you can see, it’s set to expire in just a few short months.

There my license was, tucked safely in my pocket as I took Alison to the airport bathroom on our return trip.  She went, I went.  She’s incredibly sweet in that she always covers the automatic toilet flusher sensor for me so I won’t get an unexpected hind-end shower.

I stood up.  I pulled up my pants.

Do you know where this is going?  Are you cringing, yet?

The back of my jeans bumped against the front rim of the toilet as I pulled them up. 

My license fell out. 

I watched, in slow motion, as my favorite drivers license fell into a public toilet, a toilet in a major airport toilet no less, full of my pee as well as my daughter’s and I couldn’t get turned around fast enough to try and grab it as it fell.  

Oh, and there was toilet paper, too, let’s not forget the toilet paper.

I was seriously torn between letting the automatic flusher carry my license away and sticking my hand into the toilet to fish it out.

*GAG* *Wretch* *Cringe*

The deciding factor was my vanity.  I have a few more months of flushing flashing that photo before it gets replaced with some hideous monstrosity that will plague me for the next five years.

I fished it out, swiftly, and scrubbed it in the airport sink for at least fifteen minutes, dry heaving all the while.  And when we got home, I soaked it in piping hot bleach water. 

I still don’t want to touch it.

I may just go ahead and get a new license, after all.  Because, ewww. 

Just, ewww.  *gag* *wretch* *cringe*

10 replies on “The Ewww Factor”

Never flushed my license, but did once lose my retainer (that has a fake tooth on it) in a public toilet after 1 too many buttery nipples in Vegas. Did NOT fish it out…went without one of my eyeteeth for the rest of the trip. It was sexy.

But it’s such a good picture!!!!!!!! I did drop some brand new Clinique powder in a clean toilet one time, and I fished it out and “cooked” it to kill any possible bacteria. This was in college but my husband knew about it and will never let me live this down!

Put it in a plastic sandwich bag or one of those purses with a see thru window so you can flash it without having to touch it. Because seriously, that is one hot photo, don’t waste it.
But you know what occurred to me reading this? It is the post of a *young person* You know, young enough to still be asked to flash their ID? I get ID’d about once a year and that is probably out of pity

OH, MAN! Possible awesome: you may be able to renew online or by mail and keep your photo–I was able to this year.

I guess they figure 33 doesn’t look too different from 28.

Also? 10/03 is the b’day of my HS BFF. 😉

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