Life in general

Bumps in the Road

I know the overall feel of my blog has been… different in recent months.  Has it been a year?  Possibly.

I want to say, for the record, that my days aren’t filled with sadness, it’s just that when I sit down to purge my thoughts, those are the ones that bubble to the surface and show up on the screen. 

I find joy in my life every single day.  I laugh.  I sing.  I dance.  I love.

But it’s the other things, the parts of me that fester in the nooks and crannies of life, that need to find their way out.  Here, they come out and give my mind room to breathe.

There are many, many things I don’t write about here.  Some, because I don’t have time.  Others, because they are far too personal to put out there for just anyone to read.  

Last year, 2009, was beyond difficult.  I am still struggling to overcome some of the bumps that popped up in the road that is my life.  But I am trying.  I don’t feel defeated – most of the time.  But when those inevitable times come, when I’m feeling as though every bump is a mountain to be climbed, I find solace in writing in this space.

I live an isolated life.  I work from home, on a ranch with very few neighbors, on the outskirts of a small town that I love, in many ways, even if I don’t exactly fit in with the locals.  As an introvert, I actually like the isolation, a lot of the time.

Occasionally, I feel lonely.  I often times feel so awkward in the presence of others – even people I know and like – that I can barely speak, let alone have a real conversation.  All that changes when I interact with all of you, my invisible friends.

You add so much joy to my life.  You make this isolated life feel so much less so.  You support me when I’m sad and cheer for me when I’m happy. 

I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making the bumps in this road seem less daunting – even when I’m not able to share them with you.

12 replies on “Bumps in the Road”

It truly is an amazing world we have “inside” the blogs. I’m glad you feel supported. That’s the whole point! And you have a very joyful spirit, even when you’re writing about the tough stuff. We all deal with it.

Part of the beauty of blogging is the community and support we feel when we are a part of it. Don’t worry about your topics – just continue to be the genuine, wonderful gal that you are and we’ll all still be here with hugs!

you know, i live close by to a lot of family and have a few friends near by and it’s still my blog/twitter/message board friends that i lean on. it’s just how i am. i know exactly what you mean.

You know when I took a blogging hiatus, I found that I felt less myself, and was almost depressed at times. It’s like this need to communicate and write is so integral to my personality. I get what you are saying…

Even those of us in highly populated areas feel isolated some times. It’s really the beauty of the internet isn’t it? It helps us all find people to support us. Thank you for the kinds words.

I never would have thought of you as an introvert. You do not come through like that at all on your blogs. Isn’t it great that we can shed at least a few layers of our outer selves on the internet?

I’m so with you. I open and close my blog. I open and then close other peoples, because I don’t know what to say.

I know I’m bad about commenting. I’m sort of in a funk. Or something. I don’t know. Just know, I still read.

Why haven’t I found you before? Just visiting from anymommy, and my jaw has been dropping slowly as I’ve scooted through a few months worth of posts. Good writing, yes. Compelling subject matter, yes. And someone who has been through emotional rollercoasters similar to my own? Yes.

Our experiences in life may differ (way to go, little Blythe!), but as a woman with much to be grateful for who still plunges downward occasionally, you are a breath of fresh air.

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