Life in general


I wrote an emotional post earlier, and without even editing it or linking to things I’d mentioned, I published and left the house.

Now that I’m back, I unpublished.  It was a huge woe-is-me whine fest and I’m embarrassed that I put it out there for anyone to see.

Here’s the thing. 

I struggle.  We all do.  Every single one of us has our own personal battles.

But I am so tired of being overwhelmed.  I need to make real, concrete changes rather than complaining.  Sure, it might make me feel better for a little while, but the same issues pop up time after time, and they will continue to surface unless I make alterations in the way I’m doing things.

Sometimes life rips people’s hopes and dreams right out from underneath them.  There are dreams that should never, ever be forgotten.  Others need to be altered, put on hold, or left behind.

Life is so short, I don’t want to spend time being miserable.  Not when I have so much to be happy about.  I don’t want to look back on my life, 20 years from now, and regret the time I spent being sad.

So I will change my perspective.  I will create new dreams, and try harder to take things as they come. 

In the end, even though my old dreams were never realized, I’m so lucky to have had them in the first place.

5 replies on “Perspective”

I have definately had moments where I felt like you did in the post you took down, but I hope to keep moving forward with the help of a changed perspective as well.

I was just about to leave a comment on your last post, and then you took it down. I think you should put it back up. It was extremely honest, and not whiney at all.
I was going to say that, through my own experiences, I’ve found that everything comes and goes in waves (or it seems that way anyway), both good and bad. I can relate to being in a relationship where both people have dreams they want to accomplish, and it’s almost impossible for both people to realize their dreams at the same time. But that DEFINITELY doesn’t mean you should give up on yours or even put it off for longer than is reasonable. There’s always a way. In fact, I believe you gave me a similar speech when I was being a chicken shit about opening my studio in Yuba City, did you not? There’s always a way.

I know how you feel I have wasted almost two years of my life not living the life I wanted and poor me about it. I need to pull my big girl panties up and live the life I was given. Thanks for giving me a kick in the butt.Hope you have a great day!

I don’t think that being honest about what you’re feeling is whiny… nor does it reflect misery. We can’t control our emotions most of the time; we can control what we say, what we do, but unfortunately we can’t control what we feel. There is NOTHING wrong with feeling overwhelmed. Overall, you have a great perspective on things. You deserve to be able to use your blog as your outlet from time to time! When you’re frustrated, there is nothing wrong with sharing that. I am VERY happy with my life, but that doesn’t mean I don’t look back sometimes and wonder where I’d be if I had done some things differently, taken advantage of – or created – opportunities, etc. *hugs* I think changing the way you look at things is great and very helpful, but putting a muzzle on yourself when you need to vent isn’t benefiting you. Obviously you needed to get it off your chest… or you wouldn’t have taken the time to write it 🙂 Hopefully just writing it – even if you did take it down – helped you a little! I wish great things for you… and remember, most things are never lost unless you give up!

Sorry I made this so long LOL I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. 🙂 I’ve posted MANY blogs like your first one LOL!!

You strike me as an extremely hopeful person, even when you are talking about or going through really hard stuff. You have (at least to me through your writing) such a strong, optimistic spirit. I know you’ll make the changes you need to make.

((HUGS)) (I mean that 😉

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