Health and Nutrition Life in general

The One Where My Lady Bits Were Man-Handled by a Former Marine, Which Left Me Feeling Like I’d Given Birth to a Full-Grown Linebacker in Uniform, Including a Helmet Made of Porcupine Quills

So, last Thursday I saw the specialist about my messed up lady bits.

He did a pelvic exam, and prefaced it with a warning that it might be *slightly uncomfortable* because he wanted to thoroughly examine my ovaries and uterus.

Let me tell you something.

I gave birth, naturally, without so much as tylenol in my blood stream – twice.  My husband will tell you, I lost my wimp status for good because I never made a damn sound – I had it handled

I have a high tolerance for pain.  I have video to prove it.

But that exam?  That was painful.  Lift my hips up off the exam table, dig my nails into my palm, grit my teeth until they feel like they will snap in half, kind if painful.

I can’t wear under.wear.  I can barely wear pants, and even when I do, they are of the yoga or pajama variety.  I’m nauseous and uncomfortable.  My shit hurts, and it is an all-encompassing, overall ache of my lady bits punctuated by the stinging hot pain of a torn perineum.

Thank gah for my friend Kim, who introduced me to Hospital Strength Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray, which, along with a steady stream of motrin, has kept me from being completely miserable for the next week, when my linebacker baby will hopefully be going off to college, and good riddance.

I know I’m complaining about it now, but I know that exam was necessary – and important.  I’m glad my doc was so thorough.  But it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to.

Despite putting me through freaking hell, this former-marine OB/GYN specialist really knows his stuff, and is handling my case in exactly the way I need.  In his professional opinion, the masses on my ovary and uterus (did I mention the ER overlooked a few?  Which is exactly why we need to be our own advocates, people – everyone makes mistakes, even doctors) do not look like cancer.


However, he is going to treat them as though they could be.

*Whew* again.


We are awaiting lab results for some preliminary tests that can be an indicator of the presence cancerous tumors, but that aren’t entirely definitive.

We are waiting for a copy of the genetic screening report that was run by the fertility clinic back in 2002 when I was an ovum donor.

When it arrives, I will go see a geneticist who will take a look at the report and determine if any other, more recently discovered genetic tests can be run.  Hopefully, with all this genetics screening, we will know a lot more about whether or not these masses are cancerous – or may become so, in the future.

We are waiting for me to start a new cycle, joy of joys, and then I will go in for an ultrasound to see what, if anything, has changed.

And then… well, then we decide what happens next.  Biopsy?  Partial lady-bit removal?  Total?  Time will tell. 

I’ve pretty much decided that if any surgical procedures need to be done, I will go to the Mayo Clinic.  They really know what they’re doing, and have the latest technology and clinical trials – and they accept my insurance.

That, my friends, is what you might call a win-win situation. 

*Oh, and?  I can’t tell you how much everyone’s support means to me.  I can’t, really – because once you’ve seen an ugly cry like that you’ll never be the same, and I’m going to try and spare you.  For now, anyway.*

16 replies on “The One Where My Lady Bits Were Man-Handled by a Former Marine, Which Left Me Feeling Like I’d Given Birth to a Full-Grown Linebacker in Uniform, Including a Helmet Made of Porcupine Quills”

Wow, that is a seriously serious pelvic exam. I’m sorry you’re in so much pain, but it’s a good thing to get it all checked out. I hope you’re feeling relief (both from the pain and from knowing you’re healthy) soon.

So glad that you found a doctor that fits you and is moving forward as you like. It’s always best to feel most comfortable with your doctor and his plan of action.

Also so very happy that they don’t think it’s cancer, but best to be sure.

I’m here if you need anything. XOXO

I am so sorry you are having to go through this. But also glad that you know who you can trust and have a clear plan and are not also burdened with worry and confusion right now. You are one strong person! Hope it’s all over soon…

So glad you’re getting answers by a doc that isn’t afraid to poke and prod to find his answers.

And? FWIW, I had one of those exams when I was 42 weeks pregnant with my 2nd, who ended up being 11 lbs. The doc decided that he wanted to break my water with his bare hands on the table in his exam room. I swear he pushed the kid into my esophagus.

Hugs for having to go through all of this. I’m praying for you that it is all ok.

A thousand hugs to you, girl. I have not been updating my blog or commenting around much, but I wanted you to know I have been stalking you. You have a stalker.

Thank God you are pleased w/ this doctor and that you are in-line with what he’s proposed, thus far. This totally sucks. But I know you’re ok. I know it.

More hugs.

I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. In response to this post my labia are clenched and tickling my nipples from the inside in solidarity!

Have you tried taking sitz bathes with Epsom Salt? You might want to try it.

Also, if you have Arnica it’s wonderful for trauma and the resulting swelling which reduces pain. I would highly suggest INGESTING Arnica at this point and not using any of the external gels, creams, etc. – yikes!!

Ask your doctor about a possible connection between the medicine you took to stimulate your ovaries and the masses. We did IVF and our RE told me to have an ultrasound every five years or so. He said there was some evidence that the drugs we use to stimulate our ovaries increase the possibilities of tumors (benign and cancerous).

It would probably be wrong to make a comment about my lady bits being slightly jealous about all the attention lavished on YOUR lady bits, wouldn’t it? Yeah, it probably is.

I’m sorry, no one needs pain like that. But I’m so glad that this doctor is looking out for you and being thorough.


Oh my goodness, what an ordeal. I’m glad it doesn’t look like cancer, and am relieved that he is going to treat it seriously anyway. I’m sorry you’re in pain, but I’m glad you’re in good hands. <3 <3

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