Health and Nutrition Ranch Life

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

My hands are tied, and it’s making me feel rather frustrated. 

I mentioned before that Jeremy and I created a charitable organization to help connect the ranchers of our community with hungry families.  In our minds, it created a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, things have come to a screeching halt because the issue of liability was brought up by a reporter interested in doing an article in our local paper.  Rather than highlight the good we were doing, she wanted to focus on the bad: who people could sue

Thanks for the support, local paper!

Our organization has helped hundreds of otherwise hungry families eat nutritious food, donated by ranchers who asked for nothing in return – not even a tax write-off. 

Professionals are involved in every step of the process, to make sure only quality ground beef goes home to those families.  And yet, when a reporter starts asking those professionals about liability, people get spooked.  And families go hungry while people like me scramble to do some damage control.

It was suggested by the reporter that instead of asking local ranchers to donate meat, we’d do better to ask supermarkets, thereby putting the issue of liability on “Corporate America”.

Well, listen here.  That is not the point

The point is that we are a community, taking care of our own.

Supermarkets cannot donate hundreds of pounds of beef in one go.  They are working for a profit.  Ranchers, though?  They can donate a quarter of a steer and not blink an eye.

Your average steer weighs about 1500 pounds.  Subtract about 30% of that for bone and, um… the stuff that goes into “hot dogs” and you’ve got 1050 pounds.  A quarter of that is 262.5 pounds of ground beef.

Do you know how many mouths that feeds?

And yet.  Our meat packer – the only one in our area that is state inspected, is spooked.  They won’t package any more “charity meat” until we can take the liability off of their hands.

Our insurance agents can’t get a liability policy for us, because the meat isn’t ours.  They say the liability lies with the packers. 

The USDA requirements for donated meat have been met – and yet, people are going hungry.

I don’t know what to do.  I have no idea how to keep things going at this point, and I don’t have any money to give to a corporate attorney.  I hope, with a little bit of research, I can solve this problem and be able to move forward.  I’ve already discovered that Idaho has dealt with this issue already

Has California?  If not, how can I get them to?

A part of me wishes that the people who have used our court system to become millionaires over cups of spilled coffee could see what they’ve done to the spirit of giving – they should be ashamed at the ugliness they have created.

14 replies on “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”

Seriously? How ridiculous is that. People are starving and other people are graciously offering real food for FREE. It’s amazing. Somehow I doubt a starving family with kids is thinking about suing. They’re hungry and want to eat. End of story. People need to stop being such litigators and just do the right thing.

(okay, off my soap box now!)

Perhaps if you guys registered as a charity, you’d be able to work around it?? Ugh, that SUCKS that stupid people have made this difficult for you. I hope you wrote the reporter some serious hate mail. So stupid!!! *hug* Good luck, dear. I wish I had something brilliant and save-the-dayish to offer. 🙁

Wow, this is just tragic.
I wish I had some advice, beyond reaching out to others who have done something similar in other states and see how they did it.
I hope that you can get up and running soon. What a shame.

That is heartbreaking and frustrating all at the same time. It’s amazing to me how people can forget about PEOPLE. That is just CRAP. This world is full of self serving nitwits and all they care about is making a buck or gaining exposure at the expense of people who are in need 🙁

I am so sorry, that must be so frustrating.
Sometimes I wish I was dictator of the country and could make all the rules (plus lock a few people up!) – I bet you are feeling the same right now.
I really hope you can get resolution soon.

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