Life in general Motherhood and Pregnancy

Wake Up One Day…

One day, you’re dreaming the dream.

You’re in college, with your entire future ahead of you.  You and your best friend talk about one day living in a scarcely decorated studio apartment in The City, working for some big corporation and eating sushi and escargot.  The world is your oyster, and damn it tastes good.

Before you know it, you’re living the dream.

Married, driving an SUV, 2.5 kids (the .5 being your niece, whose mom is in prison for who the hell knows how long), dogs, cats, mortgage payments.  You know the drill.

Meanwhile, your best friend has moved to New York City, doing all the things you stayed up all night talking about.  You’re so damn happy for her, but a little part of you, the part with all the rebellious piercings, feels left behind. 

Life is so vanilla bean good and sweet and everything you never knew you wanted.

And then, another day comes along and you’re filling out forms for your kid’s school and suddenly you catch yourself thinking that joining the PTO might be fun, and you realize that maybe you need a tattoo.

Or possibly, maybe, your husband could teach you to drive his motorcycle.

Something, anything, to make you feel like the girl who someday planned to take a big city by storm.

And then, your baby girl climbs into your lap and snuggles into your chest.  She tells you, in her cute little toddler voice, that she loves you.  Her hair smells like fruit fresh from the vine.  Her chubby fingers caress your neck and as you kiss her cheek, you realize: there is no comparison to this life.

It may not be what you dreamed of.  You may not be taking anything but piles of laundry by storm.

But oh, what a life it is.

And anyway, your best friend would always welcome a visit.

10 replies on “Wake Up One Day…”

I know exactly what you are saying! Sometimes when I am elbow deep in bottles and pump accessories, listening to others plan exotic vacations, or watching my best friends drop cash on beautiful accessories and shoes while I clutch my bag from gymboree with its contents bought on clearance with a coupon, I stop and wonder if this is really my life. Then Isaac snuggles up to his momma and cuddles and smiles and I realize it is my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I had that other life for a while (well, maybe not the glamorous one in the city, but the single one anyway,) and although I don’t regret any of it, I love where I am today. I think that I got the best of both worlds in the end.

I have a friend who has that life and she loves it. But I’d not give up mine for the world. Every now and then for a few days yes, but I miss them after not very long.

Lucid dreaming can take time to master, one must be careful not to allow an attitude of impatience to infiltrate your dream life. This could have a detrimental effect on something intended to keep you healthy and clear-headed. Proceed slowly and don’t use too much force when experimenting with lucid dreams. Take breaks from trying if things get too intense. If you find yourself feeling excessively tired after attempting to lucid dream, you might want to limit your attempts to weekends only. english schools london

I am elbow deep in bottles and pump accessories, listening to others plan exotic vacations, or watching my best friends drop cash on beautiful accessories and shoes while I clutch my bag from gymboree with its contents bought on clearance with a coupon, I stop and wonder if this is really my life.

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