Motherhood and Pregnancy

The Business of Being Born

Did you know I’m an ICEA certified Childbirth Educator?  Well, I am.

I don’t get a chance to teach very often these days, but when I do, I specialize in natural childbirth.

Make no mistake: I don’t believe that all births should be au-natural.  Every birth is different; every woman is different, and I respect that.

I’m a big proponent of women having the birth they want.  I’m all about empowerment, and knowledge, and informed decisions.

You have scheduled C-Sections?  Fine by me.  You want an epidural the moment the elevator doors open?  More power to you.

I focus on natural childbirth education because it’s my niche, and there aren’t a lot of places women can go to learn about how to successfully give birth without intervention.

If you haven’t seen the amazing documentary, The Business of Being Born, directed by Abby Epstein and produced by Ricki Lake (both of their pregnancies/births are also covered in the film), you should. 

It’s about natural childbirth, certainly.  But the movie also sheds an amazing amount of light on the medical business that surrounds birth.

The makers of this amazing and profound documentary, who also created a book and website, both titled My Best Birth, are currently making a new film, and I have been asked to submit footage from both Alison’s and Blythe’s births. 

I am humbled, awed, and incredibly excited to be included in this wonderful venture. 

The births of my children were amazing and exactly what I hoped they would be, mainly because I chose to give birth at a Birth Center*, where I knew my quiet voice would be heard.

In childbirth, I found strength within myself that went beyond anything I’d ever experienced in my lifetime.  I love to share my birth videos with people, especially because they are pretty much *G* Rated – which means no cootchie shots!

I hope one of my births is chosen for the movie.  But even if not, I can’t wait to see what the film holds in store.

Childbirth is my passion!  What’s yours?

*Click on the link, and then click “Our Families” to see photos of us after both Alison’s and Blythe’s births!*

5 replies on “The Business of Being Born”

How exciting! I hope they pick one of your videos too. The business of being born is an amazing documentary. I watched it and then again with my 9yr old this last pregnancy because she was extremely curious. I received my prenatal care and delivered both my children with midwives. I’m lucky enough to have a great group of them in my hospital. I went back to school for nursing after my 1st because I was in awe of the difference in care MD’s vs NP’s/CNM’s. I now need to make the time to go back because ultimately that’s the goal I’m working towards. I think I may look into the ICEA certification in the interim.

I’ve always wanted to see that video. I’m glad you respect the fact that all women are different. So many natural childbirth advocates tend to scare the crap out of anyone that doesn’t pop out a kids and return to scrubbing the floor!

I loved that movie! It was the movie that made me not scared of childbirth and I went into my next OB appointment with a list of questions about intervention and drugs and birthing techniques. I didn’t end up with my natural childbirth and got an epidural (which was marvelous) but for the next pregnancy, I will try for one again. 🙂

Childbirth is my passion too! I read about it for 4 years before having my son. I had two natural births, which has only fueled my interest in it. I would love to become a labor doula, but it will have to be when my kids are older. I hope your videos are chosen! That would be really neat, I’d love to see them.

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