
Teacha, Teacha!

I started a Brand! New! Job! yesterday.

I’m teaching two mornings a week at the preschool Alison attended, which is also where Blythe will be going.  Not only am I looking forward to the rewarding blah, blah, blah, but I’m also excited about all the blog fodder these kids are going to provide me with.

From my first day:

A 3 year old, putting on his shoes, looks at my feet and says:

Boy: ” Hey Teacha, why you shoes little like mines?”

Me: “That’s just the size of my feet.”

Boy: “Oh, sowwy you feet didn’t growed.”

Me, torn between letting it drop and correcting his grammar: “Uhh…. thanks.” 

I’ll admit, I was a little nervous about my patience level.  I’ve taught preschool before, and I was damn good at it, too, but that was before I became a parent.  I never lost my patience back then, when I got to walk away from children at the end of the day and go do whatever the hell I wanted.

Now that I have been home with my own kids for nearly six years… let’s just say, my bullshit threshold is a lot tad lower.  I was worried I couldn’t hack it.

But teaching was great, awesome, and wonderful in so many ways that each of them deserves their own dedicated and thoughtful post.  Which I don’t have time to share at the moment, because it’s not like I traded in any of my other responsibilities when I donned my new teaching hat.

The one drawback to my new job is that it’s a fairly structured school which means, you guessed it, a dress code.  For me.

So, today Blythe and I took a trip to Target where I pre-spent my first paycheck on pants and shoes, because my closet goes: jeans – flip-flops – fancy.  And you’re out of your mind if you think I’m letting a bunch of preschoolers wipe their snot paint on my fancy pants.

14 replies on “Teacha, Teacha!”

Congrats on the new job! Whenever I drop my kids off at preschool, I always think – I want that job!!! Not because I think it’s in any way easier than mine, but I do think it’s a lot more fun and rewarding! 🙂

Congratulations on the job! I bet you are the best preschool teacher.
Somehow I always manage to be 100% more patient with other people’s children than with my own… You are going to have a lot of fun!

Congratulations, and I agree, dress codes suck. I had to buy a bunch of dress shirts and ties for a job I had right after college… me, who wore cargo shorts to BlogHer. Ties! Plural!

Snot is now called Preschool Paint.

Found you on Five Star Friday – I’ve seen your comments but never visited, and now I want to give a big Woot Woot and an I Love You and a give your self a pat on the back for teaching other people’s kids kind of hello. Well done, you!

“Fancy Pants,” huh? I think that’s my new nickname for you. 😀

Congrats on the new job. I used to teach. I have the full degree. Didn’t last long, though. I don’t have patience for other people’s children. 😉

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