Home and Garden Life in general

Tired and Naked

I’m exhausted.  Why?  Because my house is naked, and that entails a whole lot of work.

Blythe’s new room is finally finished.  And by finished I mean, it still needs one window sill, closet doors and only half of the electrical outlets are working.  But hey, it’s done enough for her to move over.

What?  You can’t see that very well?  Sorry.  I seem to have let my camera run out of battery, and I can’t find the charger.  So that’s all you get.  Crappy, blurry, blown up cell phone camera images. 

Just squint.  And have a few glasses of wine. 

Now, isn’t it beautiful?  I knew you’d agree.

I cleaned out Blythe’s old bedroom so that Alison could move in there.

So that we could strip down the wall between Alison’s old bedroom and the living room.

(More squinting.  A few more sips of wine)

We actually stripped the living room side before I ever even moved her.  Because, have I ever mentioned that my husband is cheap frugal?

We needed the sheetrock over at that rental we’re working on.  So we took it down here, and put it up there.  Already textured!  And free!

Now that Alison has been moved, the living room is all the way naked. 

See my vacuum?  It is begging for mercy.

I hope it doesn’t quit on me when it finds out that we’ve now started ripping out the other side…

13 replies on “Tired and Naked”

Okay, how in the heck did you get the dry wall off without ruining it so that you could use it in the other house? I’m totally impressed. And I have to say that I think the room looks great. I wish I had floors like that everywhere. EVERYWHERE!! Looooove it. You must be warn out. I’ll be joining you with the drinking tonight!! 🙂

Oh and by the way.. this first art:

I’m exhausted. Why? Because my house is naked, and that entails a whole lot of work.

Replace house with husband, which is what I read, and you will see why I spent the first 3 minutes trying to read this laughing hysterically. 🙂

I bow to your DIY greatness! My husband and I did a lot of work on the home that we lived in before we had kids, but now…we mostly hire people. I kinda miss it though, it really give you great satisfaction when everything is done!

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