Home and Garden Life in general

One Task

My wonderful husband took Blythe out to play for awhile this morning and I took the opportunity to do some serious cleaning around the house.

For my first task, I chose to vacuum the living room rug.  Not such a huge job, but it never fails to make the whole room look better.

I headed back to the mud room to get the vacuum, and when I opened the door I was greeted by Cage the Dog and an overwhelming stench of pee.  I figured he’d have an accident eventually – he refuses to go outside to pee in the rain, and his bladder is only so big.

I went to grab a towel to wipe his feet and clean up the mess, but while I was gone, he made a run for it, tracking pee through the house on his way to the living room.  I chased him down to wipe his feet, and then back-tracked, wiping up paw-print pee puddles as I went.

I dropped the towel onto the puddle on the mudroom floor, and noticed that his dog bed was soaking wet, too.  Nice.  

I shoved his bed into the washer, and then ran out to the living room to get Cage settled in there.  It was then that I noticed the ashes all over his blanket from the fire we made last night.  So, I shook off the ashes and swept them up.

While I was shaking out the blanket, I saw that one of the kids had put dry cereal in all the little divots the buttons make in the living room chair, and picked them out, sweeping up any that fell.

Then, I had Cage lay down so I could soak his injured foot in betadine, because I don’t care what they say about pee being sterile, I’m not taking any chances.  I wrapped a paper towel around his foot and went to get the vacuum from the mud room.

Oy, but the floor in there was still disgusting, so I finished cleaning up the pee, tossed the pee-soaked towel in the washer with the dog bed, and mopped really quick.

I finally set about vacuuming, and wouldn’t you know – the vacuum freaked Cage out, and he ran across the WHITE living room rug with his gooshy, betadine-soaked foot.

I got him back on the blanket and finished vacuuming, keeping my evil-eye focused on him the entire time, and then cleaned up the rust-colored paw prints as best I could with some Resolve.

Feeling a bit exhausted after all that cleaning, I got myself a drink and decided to check in on twitter for a few minutes.

It’s then that my husband walked in, having given me a full hour to clean the house.  I’m on twitter, and all I’ve done is vacuum the living room rug.  Sweeeeet.

No wonder he thinks I spend all my time on the computer!

8 replies on “One Task”

Oh my! I was beginning to think I was ADD because of my cleaning techniques. But that sounds totally like one of my housekeeping bursts. I’ll find 600 other tasks needing completing on the way.
I just thank my lucky stars I don’t (yet) have a dog!

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