Entertainment Guest Posts

How I Found Myself Embroiled in Twitter Drama

Last year at BlogHer ’08, I had the pleasure of hanging out with today’s guest: Meghan, of A Mom, Two Boys and All Mediocre.  In fact, if it weren’t for Meghan, I probably would have ended up cowering in the corner, afraid of meeting new people.  Instead, I got drunk and passed out cards like candy.  I have a mind to repay her kindness by sending some twitter hate this dude’s way.  Anyone with me?


How I Found Myself Embroiled in Twitter Drama

When Andrea asked for guest posters, I was quick to throw my hand up in the air.  Because I love Andrea and was totally willing to help her out, certainly not because there was something I *knew* I needed to write about.  I was actually completely stumped about what I’d have to say.

The universe, in all it’s bitchiness, has given me plenty of topics in the past few weeks.

Or, really, the wonderful world of Twitter has given me plenty of topics in the last few weeks.  But we’ll just concentrate on one today.

***Drumroll, Please***

I’m not a fan of celebrity following on Twitter.  I’m probably one of the few people who doesn’t follow Diddy, Ashton & Demi, Britney Spears, or the like.

I follow John Cleese, Eddie Izzard and Chelsea Handler.  I check in on Jon Favreau on occasion.

And then a few weeks ago, I somehow stumbled across the Twitter account of Rob Corddry.  For those of you who don’t know who he is (which, apparently is a lot of you- HA), he’s a comedic actor who used to be a correspondent on the Daily Show.  He’s had bit parts in some funny films, like Old School, and had a network sitcom that didn’t last too long.

And I was a fan.  He’s funny.  So, I followed him.  And when I followed him I sent a tweet that said something along the lines of:

“Rob Corddry is on Twitter!  I love him!”

And shortly thereafter, I got a direct message from him that said:

“Awww…you’re a nice lady.”

And ACK!  OMG, how cute is he?

So I told my friend Heather , and she and I started talking about it on Twitter.  That conversation went something like this:

Me: “ZOMG, Rob Corddry called me nice!”

Heather: “He must not know you very well”

Me:  “True, if he DID know me, he’d call me something like Whore or Stalker”  (Foreshadowing people, foreshadowing…dun dun dun)

Heather: “Or bitch”

And it went on like that for a while.  And then I wrote a post* about how Rob Corddry DM’d me and how I thought it was AWESOME, but being my smart ass self, I titled it “Rob Corddry called me a Whore*”

With the * linking to a clarification at the bottom that he hadn’t actually called me a whore.

And since my posts automatically show up to Twitter, and because I thought it was funny & re-tweet’d it, Rob Corddry caught wind of the fact that he’d “called” me a whore.

And he sent me ANOTHER DM that said: “I think you’re adorable, but I have no idea what the crap you’re talking about…whore.”

And I was all “HA!  Rob Corddry’s AWESOME.  What a good sport.”

And the Rob Corddry joke lived on.  And I’d mention him in tweets and have conversations about him with people.  Because most people thought it was cool that a “celebrity” was down to earth enough to converse with the masses.

We were wrong.

Not long after, someone I’d had a twitter conversation with about him emailed me the text from a DM that Rob Corddry had sent them:

“I can’t DM her because I blocked her like Karate.  Tell her she’s adorably annoying.  Minus adorably.”

SAY WHAT?!  Rob Corddry BLOCKED me?!  And he felt the need to talk shit about me behind my back?!

And then my heart dropped.  And luckily it was close enough to 5pm to justify pouring myself a glass of wine.

Because I was BUMMED.  And a little pissed.

So, I did what any self-respecting 12 year old would do.  I sent a Tweet about it:

“OMG!  I just found out Rob Corddry has no sense of humor.  Bummer, huh?”

At which point, several twitter friends picked up on it, but had no idea WHY we didn’t like Rob Corddry anymore, and started talking shit about HIM.

Which is funny.  But apparently he didn’t think so, because he started re-tweeting everything they were saying.

And calling them names.  And, in general, being an even bigger jerk that I had just learned he was.

It was drama.  And stupid.  But it all left me feeling really bummed out and I was teary all night.  And eventually hungover, because I ended up drinking 3/4 of a bottle of wine. (OOPS)

Then I came to the realization that Rob Corddry needing to feel important enough to BLOCK someone has nothing to do with me as a person.  It’s all about feeding his own ego.

Plus?  I was annoyed he’d blocked me because I couldn’t have the satisfaction of hitting the “unfollow” button on his sorry ass.

And I started to feel better and vowed to NEVER mention his name on Twitter again.

But, yes, I realize I just typed it here a million times.  But this isn’t Twitter.

And from now on, I will NEVER say his name again.  You have my word.

* That post will never see the light of day again.  I took it down.  Because I don’t want his name on my blog.  BooYah.

11 replies on “How I Found Myself Embroiled in Twitter Drama”

He’s an ass – you don’t need him. Anyway if he doesn’t have a sense of humour or an ounce of human humility then he should stay off the social networks and in the cloud cuckooland where he obviously belongs. Glad you are moving on now.

Love this post. Well not all that you had to go through, but the whole story-unfolding part.

I DO follow celebrities. I guess it has something to do with the notion that I think I am one in my own world. I have been DM’d on occasion by a few. Nothing major, just a ‘thank-you’ or ‘that was sweet.’

I must admit, THAT GUY you mentioned took it a little too far. I thought your title was hilarious. Way to have a comedian without a sense of humor. Go figure!

Anyway, keep writing and exposing. Isn’t that what ‘whores’ do anyway after someone skips out on them (think hollywood madams and lucrative book deals)?

And I, am totally kidding BTW.

What an ass. Him, not you, of course. I think your assessment was dead on: it’s all about his ego.

But I’m also glad you go to tell the whole story and get it out there so you can end it. Kind of like his career.

Ha! Great post…I was there that night…LOL I asked why he was being a d*@k? Sucks finding out someone you enjoyed is really a big ole jerk. I never did unfollow him cuz I wanted to see if he said anything else on the matter. He hasn’t. Going to unfollow now! 🙂

ACK! I was away from the computer yesterday (GAH) and don’t have time to leave more than this dopey comment right now, but y’all are awesome.

Thank you!

And I’ll respond individually later today when I’m not at “work”. :0)

I can’t believe that I missed this! What’s annoying about this is that he is so two faced– he tells you that you’re adorable and two seconds later blocks you. Asshole. (Rob, I love you! Call me). Hate him. (Or text me!)

Would it be unloyal to you if I start using that phrase? “adorably ____. without the adorably.” Because it IS kind of funny.

How about if I promise to remember he’s a douche every time I say it?

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