The Style Section


Wouldn’t it be great if this was a post about how Blythe and I ran into TOO $HORT, the old school gangsta rapper at Target this morning?  Maybe I would write about how he posed for a photo with Blythe (great stuff for the baby book) and gave us an autographed copy of one of his CDs.

Then I would have told you how I was planning to give the CD to Jeremy while out on our date tonight, and we were going to laugh, laugh, laugh, because Jeremy always busts out the TOO $HORT lyrics when he’s had a bit too much to drink.  Ahh, inside jokes are the best.

But, NO.  This is not a post about any old school gangsta rappers.

It’s about a much more important topic, my hair.  It is TOO freaking SHORT.


Don’t get me wrong – it’s a cute cut.  My girl knows hair, and that’s why I’m so loyal.  But oh my gah.  It’s so short, especially in the back:

My hair is literally less than half an inch long in some places.  OK, in lots of places.

This is what I get for pointing at a few pictures and then reading a magazine instead of being specific and paying attention. 

Holy hell, when will I stop freaking out when I look in the mirror? 

10 replies on “TOO SHORT”

It’s a great cut and you look fantastic. I get you on the short hair thing, though. Growing up, my mother must have thought I was a boy because my hair was always cut in a short, BOY style. Ever since I have had a voice in how my hair looks, I avoid very short cuts, simply because I am convinced I look like that little boy again. You, however, do NOT look like a boy and look decidedly sassy!
; )

Well, I’m not sure what it looked like before, but I think it’s cute, too.

And if you had actually met Too $hort at Target, you would be new hero. I LOVED Too $hort!

So, (you must know what’s coming) I think your hair is $HORT BUT FUNKY. 🙂

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