Blog Carnivals Life in general

Mumbly Monday Mumbers, or Something Like That

When exactly do we begin calling our blogging cohorts “friends”?  Is it when we visit each other’s blogs regularly, or is it when we banter through email, or is it when we just feel like we’d love to have a huge glass of wine (or cup of coffee, depending on your preference) with that person?

I don’t know.  Do you? 

Anyway, my friend Kia over at Good Enough Mama, who meets all of the above criteria, by the way, has started this new blog carnival she calls Monday Mumbers and I promised her I’d tag along, if for no other reason than to force her to visit my blog on a Monday, whether she likes it or not.

So here we go, my first attempt:


2   = glasses of wine I consumed this entire weekend

20 = glasses of wine I’d planned to consume this weekend

2 = times I actually did the 30 Day Shred this past week 

3 = weeks of jury duty left

2 = pounds I’ve GAINED since starting Jury Duty

15 = dollars they pay me for sitting on the jury

1 = Zoo trips I will miss due to Jury duty

4 = times I’ve had nightmares about jury duty

10 = maximum number of hours I’m usually away from Blythe in a week

34 = hours per week I’m away from her while at jury duty

11 = times I’ve cried over that loss

100 = times harder this is than I thought 

3567 = times per day I whine about jury duty (minimum)

0 = times I will ever,  EVER serve on a jury again.  No kidding, I will get a doctor’s note if I have to.

12 = oreo cookies I ate yesterday.  Damn husband and his sweets.

40 = minutes Blythe slept for her nap today

3 = rooms of my house I scrubbed clean on Saturday

7 = rooms left to clean

10 = rooms that will get thrashed before I have a chance to clean again

0 = chance of my mood improving any time soon

9/10 = scale of how sorry I am for being a bummer today

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