Blog Carnivals Life in general

Monday Mumbers

Monday has dared to rear its ugly head once again, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to participate in Good Enough Mama’s Monday Mumbers!                                          


546278 = Muscles that ache after doing level 2 of the 30 Day Shred for the first time

3 = Gray hairs I found on my head this week

53 = Gray hairs I found on my husband’s head this week

135436 = Times I’ve pointed out that he has more gray hairs than me

6 = Children that were here on Saturday

3 = Children who actually went swimming in our cold ass pool in 80 degree weather

4.2 = Average number of minutes any given child stayed in the cold ass pool

1 = Calves born here this weekend.  A female named Valerie, if you’re curious.

4 = Baby chicks we had at the start of the weekend

3 = Baby chicks we have now

340987420957 = Tears my daughter has cried over sitting on a baby chick by accident

1100 = Approximate number of days until Alison can get a pony

5482398485 = Times she has confirmed with me that she will, in fact, someday get a pony

3 = Days of Jury Duty this week.  Thanks, Cesar Chavez!  Happy Birthday!

3 = Approximate weeks of Jury Duty left.  I think I’ll actually make it through, in tact. Yay!

                                                Happy Spring!

11 replies on “Monday Mumbers”

Awww! Poor chick! It was probably going to get pecked to death some how some day. Your daughter just saved the chick some from pain and suffering.

Is it wrong that I just laughed at the chick incident? Yeah. Well, I’ve already been told I’m going there. And like you, I always point out that my husband has more gray (and white) hair than me. He appreciates it.

I’m beginning the 30 day shred today. I just took my before pictures.

I suppose it would be counterproductive to just start eating ice cream after looking at the photos.

Ahttp://www.. you named the calf after my daughter! How sweet of you! 🙂 My kids would LOVE to have these experiences and I’ve long wished to live on a self-sustaining farm. And then I think about how much work it is!

In all seriousness, I’d like to thank you for your thoughtful blog comment to my post on Sunday. It means a lot to me that you were willing to reach out and share your experience with me. So, thanks.

I SHOULD NOT be laughing at the fact that your daughter sat on and KILLED a chick.

But I am.

I hope she recovers.

And THREE weeks left? Hasn’t it already been at least two? And wasn’t it supposed to be four total?

OMG. I know I am way late, but she killed a chick! OMG! I mean, it’s totally sad and traumatic, but wow. I laugh at inappropriate things, it’s how I cope. And if it had been MY kid that sat on a chick? Oh, the laughter.

But seriously. Give her a hug from me.

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