Ranch Life The Style Section

Redneck Fashion

It’s hard to be chic while living on a ranch.  Sure, I’ve got my Citizens of Humanity jeans and my open toed black heels, but can I really wear that stuff out in a pasture full of poo? 

I recently realized that M’ Boots and a nylon jacket aren’t quite protection enough for my clothes.  It turns out, poop stains.  And that 18 inch section of my legs that isn’t covered by my “uniform”?  Always ends up with shit on it.

Enter Redneck Fashion.  That’s right, I’m talking about Coveralls for the Ladies.

Tell me you don’t want a pair of these:

Matching green clogs and back hoe not included.

I think the neckerchief and camisole really set this one off nicely.

And also, apparently women who wear coveralls like to stand around with their legs up on the equipment.  Sexy.

And for the home gardener, there’s a floral pattern.  The equivalent of Camo for ladies, apparently.

Funky fresh red tennies $20 extra.

For a minute I thought I might just settle for wearing men’s coveralls, but dammit.

I’m not a gay mechanic in the 1970’s.

Finally, just as I was about to give in to forever having poop stains on all of my clothes, I found these.

Maybe it’s the absence of a model, but these are looking pretty dang nice.  Redneck ladies, we finally have an option.  Just not from the local Wal-Mart.

Project Runway take note: this is an area that needs some serious attention in season six.  I smell a challenge coming on, complete with real live rednecks as models.

48 replies on “Redneck Fashion”

To dress like a redneck one must think like a redneck. How does a redneck think you ask? Itโ€™s rather simple and you need only consider three things, comfort, flannel and old. Redneck fashion is all bout functionality between work and home. Here are some tips….

It always pleases me to see a women getting her hands dirty.After all we do live in a society where its equal rights.And as for the overalls i think yeah there a good idea from a business point of view.YOU GO GIRL….. ๐Ÿ™‚

Finally somebody thought about ranch people fashion. It’s true, ranch people don’t really have fashion articles as a priority but it wouldn’t hurt to give them few solutions and alternatives.

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