Blogging Business Life in general


My bloggy friend Christina over at MamaNeena tagged me to name my top 7 secrets or oddities, that no one really knows.  It took me awhile to narrow the list, but here are the ones I settled on:

1.  If I eat fast food, I have to fold my food wrappers into a small square before throwing them away.  I don’t care if other people crumple their own, but leave me to my damn folding, OK?

2.  I love beans.  All kinds of beans.  If I could get away with eating rice and beans every day, I probably would.  My pantry is a testament to my devotion:

3.  For the first 20 years of my life, I was an extremely picky eater.  No kidding, even as an infant I refused breast milk, formula, and regular milk.  I had never even eat a bean (ever) until just a few years ago, because they looked like they’d have a funny texture.  See what I was missing out on?

4.  Now that we’ve covered some of my food oddities, I’ll confess that I foolishly got married two weeks after my 18th birthday, to a guy I had only known for a year and who I felt was “safe”.  Let’s just say, not all marriages are meant to last.

5.  I am a firm believer in hypnotherapy.  It’s gotten me through migraines, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, memory loss and two natural childbirths without even a whimper (and I have the video to prove it).  It’s the freaking bomb.

6.  My parents named me Andrea, pronounced On-dree-uh, but I go by On-dray-uh.  I changed it in junior high to stop people from calling me AAAND-ree-uh.  If your name IS  AAAND-ree-uh, no offense, but it’s like nails on the chalkboard to me.  Because of my name change, 90% of the people in my life call me “Dre”.  Some of them think it’s actually my whole name.

7.  I should make #7 a doozy, a big finale, right?  OK.  I actually thought about committing suicide once.  It was during my short-lived marriage, and I was in a bad place, literally and figuratively.  At that very moment in time (oh  my goodness, I just realized it was Halloween night, 11 years ago), I decided I couldn’t do it because I couldn’t leave my cats.  I know, pathetic – but I got through it, alright?  And my cats are still here with me, drooling on me and holding me up.

Now that I’ve confessed 7 things, I have to tag someone else.  I can’t tag Kia, because she just answered something like 150 questions about herself, and she’s bound to be tapped out. 

Oh!  I know!  I’ll tag Sophie, at Inzaburbs.  Come on, Sophie!  Blow off home schooling for a few minutes and tell us a few of your deepest, darkest secrets!

9 replies on “Seven”

You do have some weird food quirks. Kidding, so do I. I’m sorry you went through such a rough patch in your life, but so glad that you are not in that place now.

Oh and I just caught up on two posts – how cool that you met Maddie (and mike and Heather of course!).

I tried to leave a doozy on mine, but I erased it. I was going to put that my real father is dying of alcoholism and I have no intention of going to the funeral.

Kind of feels good to say it now though…

The cat saved your life. Well, please thank the cat on my behalf. You sound like an amazing gal. One of my quirks (loved the having to fold the fast food wrapper thing, BTW) is that I swim 37 minutes during each workout. Yup 37. What can I say?

Regarding Restless leg Syndrome, I wanted to let you know that I got rid of it after a horrible bout with it (incl addition to Klonopin). It’s too long to describe the story here, but it simply involves common shoes. No kidding that’s it. I posted it in my personal (noncommercial, no ads) blog to try and help people. It’s at I”>”>I cured my RLS just by wearing shoes.”

I hope it can help someone.

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