Blogging Business Life in general

You On a Diet

I regret to inform you that posting will be light here at Sweet Life for the next two weeks.  But I’ll send something fun in the mail to the first person to tell me what movie I’m quoting in the title of this post.

Here’s the deal: life is a little hectic right now, and it’s about to get hecticer (I am well aware that there is no such word, but it’s fun to make LiteralDan squirm).  As much as I’d rather write witty (to me) and interesting (to me) blog posts, I’ve got to kick y’all to the curb.  But just a little.

Last week, I was uber sick and then Alison got uber sick and then we both got better.  So not only is my house a mess because I didn’t lift a finger to clean it for a whole week, (other than immediate messes that could not be ignored) it also needs to be disinfected.  Something I can’t really do while sitting at my computer. 

My mom went out of town last week to celebrate her sister’s 60th birthday, and I realized just how much I rely on her to help me with this whole parenting thing.  Especially when I can’t get off the toilet long enough to wipe my kids’ butts.  Next week she and my dad are leaving again to go on their annual Blues Cruise, for ten whole days.  Just because the universe likes to mess with me, Alison’s school scheduled a week of half days for parent-teacher conferences at the same exact time.  By the way, Mom, enjoy every moment of your cruise and expect to wipe the drool from my heavily medicated mouth when you get back.

My one and only (but still favorite) sister packed up her stuff and left for Oklahoma this morning.  We had a kick-ass party for her over the weekend to send her off in style.  Last night, as I hugged her tight and told her, “I love you”, I realized it’s the first time in my almost 31 years of life that I’ve ever done those two things simultaneously.  What a thing to realize the day before she moves 1,672 miles away.  I decided on the spot that I’m going to get over my discomfort with hugs, because that is just sad and hugging can be good.  I am going to write all about her move soon, but right now I can’t – and that has nothing to do with my busy schedule.

Our friend Rick is in training for a new Extreme Sport, and Jeremy is his “corner man”, so they are training for hours and hours every day.  We’re very excited to see how this whole thing pans out, but we can’t wait to see a little more of each other, too.  The event is next weekend (which also happens to be my birthday) so I’ll be able to divulge a little more information, and maybe even a few pictures, afterward.  Until then, there’s a confidentiality agreement, so shhhhh! 

On a completely unrelated note, yesterday was both the first day of Autumn – my favorite of all the seasons! – and Kitty’s 13th “birthday” (where birth=adoption).  No, I didn’t put a candle in her cat food, but I should have.

13 replies on “You On a Diet”

I have no idea what movie that is from.

My girls school had the week of half days last week and it just about killed me. It messed with my son’s naps and generally wreaked havoc with my daily routine. What did we do before school and what in God’s name would we do without grandparents!!! *GASP*

We’ll miss you.

Okay, it’s going to drive me up the wall until I figure out what movie that is from!!!! Now I’m destined to get nothing done.

You’ll be missed over the next couple weeks. Come back refreshed and ready to share the newest details.

I’m glad you’re going to take a little blog hiatus. Wait. That doesn’t sound right. What I mean is, I know how hard it can be to “give yourself permission” not to post. Don’t worry about us, we’ll still be here when you get back!

Oh, and fall is my favorite season, too!!! I love the changing weather, the turning leaves, the holidays just around the corner…it’s so great!

You got it! The original title of the post was, “No no no reading here tonight, you on a diet”. But that’s all together too long.
I’m glad someone else spends too much time watching kids movies and could get it from 4 words!

You succeeded in making me squirm, though I am all for creating new words. I would just have to correct it to “hecticker”. Looks wrong, but it’s less wrong, which is as good as right, right?

I’m pretty sure putting a candle in a cat’s food is not recommended by anyone but the fire department (looking to stay in business).

I am reading this quite a bit late and you are well into your bloggy vacation by now. But I have to say that I am relieved that I am not the only non-hugger in the world. I get hugged by other adults far more than I am comfortable with.

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