Kids Life in general Motherhood and Pregnancy

The Lighter Side of Things

I’ve been a little down lately, and sluggish in general.  Well, it’s hard to say “lately” when it’s actually my general state of being, with a few energetic days thrown in here and there.  But I’m working on it.

Anyway, I noticed I lost an email subscriber the other day and it made me wonder, Has my general attitude changed the feel of my blog?  I think maybe.  Erm, probably.  I’m proud of the introspective posts I’ve written, but it’s time to lighten things up a bit.

So, here are a few of the things that have made me belly laugh lately.  A bit of a warning: most of them have to do with poop or boobs.  Apparently, I find them really funny.  Who knew?

*  We were leaving my mom’s house and she was buckling Alison into her car seat.  Alison suddenly said, in a very sing-songy voice, “I just pooted in your fa-ace!” (obnoxious, I know).  And my mom sung back, “My face wasn’t near your bu-utt!”.  Something about a 58 year old woman singing that had me in stitches.

*  Blythe is very interested in going on the potty like the rest of us.  She’s actually gone pee a few times, but it’s very hit or miss.  The other night I noticed she was making her “poop face” and got her on the potty lickety-split. 

She wasn’t interested, and wandered off.  I got distracted by running the bath and before I knew it, she came back with a big dingle berry hanging off of her rear end.  Which was made even funnier by her doing a little booty-shake dance next to the tub.

As I was wiping her up, I heard Alison yell from the kitchen, “Ew, Mom!  Someone pooped on the floor!” which I subsequently had to clean up, laughing all the while.

*  I was having tummy troubles earlier this week, which were accompanied by some frequent bathroom visits.  On the way home from picking Alison up from school, I suddenly had to GO.  I got Alison out of the car and she stepped out of my way, saying, “You go ahead of me mom, I don’t want you to have an accident in your pants”.  So thoughtful, that girl.

*  Alison and Blythe discovered a Motown Love Songs CD and have fallen in love with it.  Their favorite is “Stop in The Name of Love”, which they now dance to, nightly, after the bath – in the nude, most of the time.  They spin and spin around until they collapse on the floor, in fits of giggles.  And then they do it all over again.

*  One morning Blythe woke up, crying, just as I was getting out of the shower.  I rushed in there to get her, and as soon as she saw me she stopped crying and said, “BOOBIE!”.  She hadn’t seen a breast since she stopped nursing in July, so I was kind of curious what she was going to do when I picked her up.  She gently grabbed one nipple between her thumb and forefinger, made a face like she was straining and said, “OW-CH!”.  Then she did it with the other one.  Can you tell we have a history of her pinching and biting me while nursing?

*  On the topic of boobs, she and my mom were playing the other day and my mom leaned over her to get a toy.  And Blythe bit her – right on the boob.  What can I say?  She’s teething, and apparently a (clothed) boob near her face looked like a teething ring.

*  And one more boob reference, alright?  This post by Redneck Mommy – hilarious.  But learn from my mistake – don’t scroll down while your 4-year-old is looking over your shoulder.  There WILL be questions, and it’s hard to answer them appropriately while you’re laughing.


What made you laugh this week?

7 replies on “The Lighter Side of Things”

“I just pooted in your fa-ace!”

I have no choice but to start saying this to people! Like when I’m in a store and an employee tells me that they are out of my favorite something. Well guess what worker guy…

“I just pooted in your fa-ace!”

I love me a good poo-related story, almost as much as I love a good boob story! So you’ve got a winner here in my book.

I think the Ouch one is my favorite. I’ve gotten that before, myself, and I assure you I have never nursed anyone.

Well, apparently we have the same sense of humor, because these all made me giggle too. Let’s see, I laughed til I cried this week when my thirteen month old laid claim to the big wheel. He couldn’t get his leg over, but no one else was touching it, or at least over his screaming, writhing dead body. I don’t know why that was so funny.

Lol ! Your stories were funny. My daughter, Lilli, is 3 (weaned at almost 14 months) and she is STILL fascinated with breast. “Fascinated” may be too strong a word but she just hasn’t learned that breast –Mommy’s AND other ladies’ –are off limits. A couple weeks ago she was a flower girl and one of the bridesmaids picked Lilli up to play with her. Lilli took one look at the lady’s very large breast, patted them and said, “Baby milk.” I was SO embarrassed, but it’s been funny since 5 minutes afterward, Lol. :o)

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