The Style Section

Brutally Honest Monday: To Color or Not to Color


I’ve always been a highlights kind of girl.  Back in simpler times, I’d get myself a bottle of sun-in and spray away all summer long.  My style has long since become a bit more polished, so $5 for months of highlights is quite a stretch.  An impossible stretch, in fact.

Tired of spending an entire day on a salon visit, not to mention an amount equal to my weekly grocery bill in highlights, I decided a few months ago to get back to my roots.  My dark, dark roots.  With a little bit of red for extra oomph.

The only problem is, coloring can be just as expensive as highlights, even if it is quicker.  My next hair appointment is coming up on Saturday, and I need some brutally honest advice. 

The choices are as follows:

LEAVE IT ALONE.  My natural color. 

GO DARK.  With red for extra oomph.

GET SOME HIGHLIGHTS.  Never mind the roots.

9 replies on “Brutally Honest Monday: To Color or Not to Color”

Honestly? I prefer your natural color.
Plus that rich brown is trendy at the moment. Or was that two years ago? On matters of style, I can’t trust myself lately 😉

I sincerely doubt that you’ll follow hair advice from a reader who just found your blog for the first time today, but I really like it darker! 😉

Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

I say leave it and let it blonde up this summer, from the natural, and FREE, sun and then darken it when winter rolls around. Problem solved. You. Are. Welcome.

I love red. Love, love, love it and wish I could do it on myself but it usually comes out a nice deep shade of purple. Go with the dark and let me live vicariously through you.

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