Entertainment Marriage

Movie Night: The Strangers with Liv Tyler

Last night Jeremy and I lingered over a delicious dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant.  I may or may not have been licking my plate and shaking the last drop of Pinot Grigio out of my glass, but who can blame me?  It’s not often I get to have an uninterrupted conversation with my husband and enjoy a whole, hot meal. 

Unfortunately, my overzealous eating made us about 10 minutes late for the new Adam Sandler movie.  We were faced with two choices: pick a different movie, or miss the start of The Zohan and hope we could find decent seats in the dark.  Another movie, The Strangers, was just starting, so we went with that.  After all, it had Liv Tyler in it and she’s nice to look at.  How bad could it be?

Turns out, it wasn’t all that bad but it was a horror movie.  I was a bit skeeved out by The Strangers, mainly because I live in the middle of nowhere.  The premise is that some random sociopaths decide to prey on anyone who happens to be home in a remote area of Pennsylvania.  Surprise!  Our protagonists are home and happen to answer their door at 4 am when someone knocks. 

Personally?  I call the Sheriff anytime I think someone might even be thinking about coming down my driveway after an acceptable hour.  One time, while I was pregnant with Alison and Jeremy was out of town, I heard what sounded like little people running around on my roof at 10 o’clock at night, I’m not even kidding.  If I were in The Strangers, I would have gone up on the roof to investigate.  But since I’m a real person with a brain, I called the Sheriff and made the dispatcher stay on the phone with me until they arrived. 

Are you on the edge of your seat, waiting to find out who was running around on my roof?  Did the Sheriff’s Deputy get decapitated by an axe-wielding maniac?  No, it was just the dang Peacocks, pooping all over the place, as usual.

My critical review of The Strangers would be 2 1/2 out of 4 stars.  Plenty of jump-in-your-seat moments, but a fairly predictable slasher flick.  It is loosely based on a a couple of crimes, including the Manson murders, which intrigued me.  I spent some time reading about those on wikipedia, and now I’m even more disturbed.  Given the choice again, I’d see The Zohan, even if I missed the first few minutes.  Laughs beat out skeeves, any day!

2 replies on “Movie Night: The Strangers with Liv Tyler”

I would have gone to see Zohan minus those minutes (what are you really gonna miss?) given the choice, but I’m glad The Strangers was good. As I understand it, it was directed by a first-time director, so it would seem he’s got a promising future then.

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