Life in general


One day, years ago, I woke up and realized I was surrounded by Gemini.  Not in the “come out with your hands up” sort of way.  It’s more of a, ‘Dang I buy a lot of presents in June,’ observation. 

It makes complete sense to me, then, that both my husband and my very best friend are Gemini.  And miracle of miracles – not only do they get along, they approve of each other.  Life doesn’t get a whole lot better than that.

Today, my very best friend is having a birthday.  One that I can’t celebrate with her because she moved all the way to New York, Brooklyn in facttwo years ago.  And way out there she has a life that she loves, one that I’m not a part of.  Not for a lack of invitations to visit, but so far I’ve had either a baby in my belly or a baby hanging on my boob.  A baby who could have been born a Gemini, had I crossed my legs for a few extra days.

The consolation for having a very best friend who lives all the way across the continent is history.


Blackmail worthy history.  If I ever decide to run for government office?  My enemies could bring me down in one fell swoop, should they ever coax her to their side.

(Apparently I wore that outfit every day.)

From the outside, we are more different than we are alike.  But on the inside, I am not complete without her.  She knew me before I knew myself, and helped shape me into the person I am today.  For seventeen years now, I have relied on her to bring balance to my chaos, and she has done so unfailingly.  Ever the voice of reason, she has propped me back up countless times. 

I only hope I have done the same for her.  I love you, girl.  Happy Birthday.

4 replies on “Gemini”

sweet JESUS. really!?!? you had to use THAT picture…? talk about blackmail… you can have pretty much anything you want from me if you threaten me with pictures showing my ‘hair wall’. what WERE we thinking!?!?!?

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