Life in general

One of Those Days

I was all set to write a different post, but THEN.  I just couldn’t have a day like today and not write about it.

First thing this morning, I had an appointment to get my Live Scan Fingerprinting done for our new corporate license.  So I dropped Alison at school, passed Blythe over to my mom, and drove to the courthouse 15 minutes away.  The lady’s first question was, Do you have your paperwork? and the answer was No.  So I drove back home, got the paperwork, and drove back.  I handed it over, and the lady’s second question was, Do you have cash or a check?  The answer to that was: All I have is $11 and a credit card.  Nor do I have an ATM card to go grab some cash, and our bank is not only another 20 minute drive away, it isn’t even open yet.  So back I went, for my checkbook.  My third time through security, I swear the guard was muffling a laugh.  At least they know for sure that I don’t have anything dangerous in my purse.

Finally, my paperwork turned in and my fee paid, I stepped up to the fingerprinting machine.  There was a WARNING! after each of my prints was scanned.  Because, guess what?  Apparently I have old, man hands.  My fingerprints have nearly been worn away and besides, they are all covered in creases and cracks.  So I’ll probably have to go back in again to get them re-done, manually, by some sort of fingerprinting expert.

That task finally done, I made my way back to the car.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, I was attacked by a bird.  It dropped down and pecked me right on the head!  I tried whacking my purse at it, but I had just my little tiny wallet (Ok – honestly? I didn’t want the security people to see how messy the inside of my purse was so I carried just the necessities) but the bird was not impressed.  The rest of the way to the car, the bird kept dive bombing me and doing fake-out swooping motions like it was
Muhammad Ali of the bird kingdom.  All I could do was wave my arms over my head and run.

In the midst of all this, I got a phone call from our accountant’s office.  Our taxes were done (we filed an extension and paid our overinflated  unreasonable estimated taxes April 15th,
as you may recall) and they needed signing.  Since we want our Big Fat Refund as soon as possible, I had to get down there right away.  Which wouldn’t be a problem, except that the accountant’s office was an hour away, my mom was leaving for the weekend in just a few short hours but couldn’t get ready until I returned for Blythe, and Alison had to be picked up from school at 11:00.  Are you following this?

I made arrangements for the kids and headed up to the accountant’s office, stopped by and picked up a prescription, and made it home in just a couple of hours.  Once inside I went to change my shoes and realized I didn’t have to, because I had been wearing my house shoes the whole dang time.

2 replies on “One of Those Days”

Thank you, thank you (taking a bow).  I aim to please, even if it means sharing my humiliation with the masses.

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