Ranch Life The Style Section

M’ Boots

I’m sorry, but y’all gotta read this post with a North Carolina accent.  Jeremy’s Grandma Lois has been here a little over a week now, and I can’t he’p it, it’s catchin’.  Don’t worry, she’ll be goin’ on back home next Tuesdy, and I’m sure I’ll be back to talkin’ like a yank in no time.  Meanwhile, my grammar’s on the back burner.

So anyway, here’s m’ boots. Dontcha wish ya had a pair just like ’em?

I love m’ boots.  I got ’em at Target (surprised?) a couple/few years back, and they find themselves upon m’ feet a few times a day.  Now mind, I’m not so country back woods that they ever leave the Ranch.  No, I only wear ’em ’round here, perty much whenever I go outside.  See all them colors?  Turns out they go with dern near everythin’.  And it dudn’t matter if you’re wearin’ jeans or capris or a skirt, just slip them puppies on and they’ll keep the cow poo off’n your clothes.  I learnt that one real quick, don’t be tryin’ to wear your good shoes in the pasture, ’cause yer just askin’ fer trouble.  In fact, don’t be tryin’ to wear anythin’ but boots around here a’tall, ’cause some animals just don’t care where they poop, even if that means it’s on yer porch.

Just about everbody ’round here ~ well, everbody who walks, anyway ~ has ’em a pair.

‘Cause folks, I dare y’all to try and pick goat poop, peacock poop, cow poop, horse poop, chicken poop, or any combination a the above, out the cracks in the bottom of any ol’ pair a shoes.  These here boots are pretty great, I reckon, ’cause y’all can just stand in a puddle a water and swish around a bit to get the poo off.  Shoot, y’all could even go stand in the pond a spell or spray ’em off with a hose.  And what do ya know, they’re good as new.

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