Allergies Food Motherhood and Pregnancy

Ever Diligent

You know how I’m totally anal-retentive?  Well maybe you don’t, but I am.  So now you know.  I’ve been trying to relax more over the past couple of years.  It takes a long time to unclench, let me tell you.  Perfectionism is a disease.  The symptoms are fanatical attention to detail and constantly feeling overwhelmed.  If this is you, maybe we could start a support group.  Or a daily margarita group, which ever.

I used to be a Reader Of Labels.  Alison was on such a mother-imposed, restricted diet (until she started preschool, where they gently pushed me out the door) that we never left the house without our snack bag, lest we get hungry and have no healthy choices.  The sphincter has been permanently at half-mast regarding food more recently because I’ve realized that if we eat healthy for the most part, life is a lot more fun.  And I’m a lot easier to live with.

But then.  Monday we found out for certain that Blythe has food allergies, to eggs and corn.  She didn’t even cry when they did the scratch test.

It seems corn has been thoroughly infused into our daily diets, hygiene, and cleaning products.  What odd things contain corn, you ask?  Toothpaste?  Yes.  Table salt?  Yup.  Generic infant acetaminophen?  YES, dammit, so it’s not the same as Tylenol, be ye not so cheap.  Dairy products?  You betcha.  Because unless they are organic (which we buy, anyway) the cattle were most likely fed corn-based grain.  Do you see the trouble we face in avoiding corn?  Since I am still nursing Blythe, I had to go cold-turkey on the Pepsi and anything else delicious and appetizing, as well.  The bonus: the very first day we went corn- and egg-free, Blythe slept through the night.  Which she continues to do, and people?  I am loving this.  I will gladly give up all that stuff for my baby girl, especially if it means I get some much needed sleep.

So, hello food labels.  Hello, natural food store, with your patchouli smell and helpful staff.  I’ve missed you.  I’m back, all clenched and ready for action.

4 replies on “Ever Diligent”

Maybe bossy could share her anal-retentive management skills with Andrea, so Andrea could maintain her sphincter status without driving her loved ones mad?

The movie title, “The Children of the Corn” takes on a whole new meaning for me now.  Still creepy, but in a whole different way.

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