Health and Nutrition

And Now I Know What Menopause Feels Like

Remember back when I had that ovarian cancer  scare , and it turned out I just had extremely low estrogen

Well, guess what?

Estrogen replacement therapy isn’t covered by my insurance , since I’m not menopausal!  Isn’t that nice?  For the insurance company?  Why yes, yes it is!  Haha!

Fortunately for me, I have a doctor who knows all about natural remedies.  Because, seriously people, there is not a single prescription in this family that is covered by insurance.  And that’s a damn shame, since we fork over almost as much for insurance and prescriptions as we do for our mortgage!  Isn’t that nice?  For the insurance company?  Why yes, yes it is!  Haha!

I’ve been taking Organic Black Cohosh , which is is an herbal supplement known to help increase the body’s estrogen level.  By the way, I love how they put the words, “Menopausal & Perimenopausal Support” in bright red letters right on the front of the label!  Haha!

The trick of it is, I have to take the Black Cohosh capsules exactly 12 hours apart or I start to experience… drumroll please… all the fun symptoms of menopause!

If I take the capsules too close together, I get the symptoms of too much estrogen – hot flashes, crabbiness, restlessness.  If I take the capsules too far apart (or forget one all together) I get the symptoms of a drop in estrogen – migraines, chills, lethargy, and random spotting. 

Isn’t that nice?   Haha!

Do you think this whole faux-menopause-at-32 thing will score me a senior discount at IHOP?

Now that would be nice!

Health and Nutrition

Mayday! Update, Week 1

The first week of my Mayday!  Challenge went really well – better than I ever could have hoped. 

Each day, my goal was to exercise at least 15 minutes, and after the first couple of days, I was able to do 30 minutes or more.  I surprised myself!  That is, until yesterday when I gorged on Shari’s Berries (totally worth it) and Pizza (not worth it) and didn’t exercise at all (definitely not worth it).

Oh well, though, today is a new day!

The scale doesn’t show a whole lot of change so far – not even two whole pounds lost – although, I’ve lost .8% of my body fat which is beyond exciting for me.  Yeah, yeah, I know the body fat thing can vary depending on the amount of water in your body at any given time, but I’m taking this little nugget and squeezing it for all it’s worth, ok?

The photos.  I am far more pleased with myself in this week’s photos, even after yesterday’s binge.  The comparison makes it even more impressive.  ONE WEEK of exercise and (fairly) healthy living, people! 

These photos make me want to stick with it.

  Today – Week One                     “Before”

     Today – Week 1                          “Before”

The scale can kiss my ass – look at that difference!

**Edited to add:  A few of you have emailed me asking about my “secret” and it’s no secret!  I’ll share any and all of my tips with anyone who wants them. 

First of all, I made up a bubble chart to help me easily keep track of what I’m eating and drinking, as well as how I’m exercising.  It’s incredibly simple, but oh-so helpful.  If you’d like me to send it to you (for some reason I’m not able to format it correctly to post it here, or I would) leave a comment here or email me at Jerdre53 (at) aol (dot) com.

Secondly, I think daily exercise is absolutely the key to me slimming down so quickly.  I alternate between cardio days in which I either jog/walk (I usually jog two laps, then walk a lap, and repeat), riding a stationary bike or walking on the treadmill and strength training.  I have a gym membership, but it’s almost impossible for me to get to the gym at this point in my life.  Instead, I rely on Jackie’s Power Circuit Training DVD, alternating between the lower body, upper body, ab and total body 15 minute work outs.  I love this DVD because it’s very low impact for my achy-breaky joints, yet incredibly effective.

Thirdly, before I put anything in my mouth I ask myself, “Is this going to help me or hurt me?” which doesn’t mean I can’t ever have anything tasty.  For example, having a delicious coffee with a friend?  Helping me.  But for the most part, it helps me to make healthy choices on a meal-by-meal basis.

I hope that answers any questions you might have!

Health and Nutrition

Mayday, MAYDAY!

I don’t fit in my pants.  Or my shirts.  Or my dresses.  Even my under.wear is starting to get uncomfortable.

The complete, honest truth?  I’ve been wearing a lot of my old maternity clothes.  And since my “baby” is about to turn three, there is a whole lot wrong with that.

In the past 9 months, I’ve gained a little over 20 pounds.  My body fat has gone up by 13%.

I’d like to blame it all on the Lexapro, which is known to cause “moderate weight gain” but all those grilled cheese sandwiches, all that pad thai, all those burritos and oh my goodness the wine, cheese and chocolate, plus the fact that I’ve rarely exercised – those factors kind of blow that theory out of the water.  Or at least give it a whole lot less credibility.

Last weekend, I ran from the car to the house to grab a couple of juice boxes for the kids, and something happened.  My belly flab went rogue.  I don’t even know how to describe how that felt, except to say that it was a wake up call.

I’ve watched the numbers on the scale creep upward.  I’ve noticed my clothes don’t fit as well. 

But then I think, it’s only a few pounds, right?  My husband is actually loving the fact that I have an ass to grab.  And also?  Who really complains about being a size FIVE, honestly, there is nothing at all wrong with that.  There are plenty of women out there who would gladly give up a few toes to be that size.

Except.  I may be well within the “normal” weight range for my height, but I don’t feel good.  I don’t feel healthy.  I’m exhausted and cranky all the time, and I’m not nourishing my body. 

So, I’ve decided that May is going to be my month to get back on track.  Not to necessarily “lose weight” but to get healthy.

I’m not going to follow any kind of crazy diet or exercise regimen – I’ve tried all kinds of things over the past 9 months that only seem to exasperate the problem, and in truth, make me feel like shit.

I’m setting some very general goals:

*  My diet will consist mainly of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins with a few whole grains thrown in for good measure.

*  I will exercise in some way for a minimum of 15 minutes every day.

*  I will drink at least 64 ounces of water every day.

*  I will take a photo of myself from the front and the side at least once a week.

*  I will weigh myself no more than once a week – no obsessive scale-watching.

*  I will drink wine only one night a week, if at all.

My hope is to lose at least 3% of my body fat in the month of May.  A lofty goal, but attainable.  I plan to update my progress here once a week, just to hold myself accountable.  I just ended two sentences in a row with -able.  Now go eat a vegetable.  Whee!  This is fun.  I’m really just trying to postpone the inevitable.

The before photos.  Ready?  I am totally cheating by posting them in black and white.  Everything looks better in black and white!  Right?  Here I am in my too-small pants.



Now I’m off to kick some ass, and it’s not even MAY yet!

Health and Nutrition Life in general


I met with the lady part specialist on Friday, to get the results of the myriad tests/scans/probes he ordered.

I’m bursting with the news.  I don’t have Ovarian Cancer.  For sure.  It’s not there.

I have extremely low estrogen, which accounts for all of the symptoms I’ve been having.  The treatment is easy, inexpensive, and effective. 

Can I tell you I’ve been holding my breath, afraid to let it go?  I didn’t even realize.    

Friday morning, I saw the sunrise.  Caught between the mountains and the ominous clouds looming above, the sun struggled to shine.

Yes.  That’s it, exactly.

My world suddenly seems brighter.

There is beauty all around me.  I’d been refusing to see it. 

But there it is. 

It’s everywhere. 

Blinded by their beautiful spirits, I catch my breath.  I hold them close.  I breathe a sigh of relief.

Health and Nutrition Life in general

The One Where My Lady Bits Were Man-Handled by a Former Marine, Which Left Me Feeling Like I’d Given Birth to a Full-Grown Linebacker in Uniform, Including a Helmet Made of Porcupine Quills

So, last Thursday I saw the specialist about my messed up lady bits.

He did a pelvic exam, and prefaced it with a warning that it might be *slightly uncomfortable* because he wanted to thoroughly examine my ovaries and uterus.

Let me tell you something.

I gave birth, naturally, without so much as tylenol in my blood stream – twice.  My husband will tell you, I lost my wimp status for good because I never made a damn sound – I had it handled

I have a high tolerance for pain.  I have video to prove it.

But that exam?  That was painful.  Lift my hips up off the exam table, dig my nails into my palm, grit my teeth until they feel like they will snap in half, kind if painful.

I can’t wear under.wear.  I can barely wear pants, and even when I do, they are of the yoga or pajama variety.  I’m nauseous and uncomfortable.  My shit hurts, and it is an all-encompassing, overall ache of my lady bits punctuated by the stinging hot pain of a torn perineum.

Thank gah for my friend Kim, who introduced me to Hospital Strength Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray, which, along with a steady stream of motrin, has kept me from being completely miserable for the next week, when my linebacker baby will hopefully be going off to college, and good riddance.

I know I’m complaining about it now, but I know that exam was necessary – and important.  I’m glad my doc was so thorough.  But it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to.

Despite putting me through freaking hell, this former-marine OB/GYN specialist really knows his stuff, and is handling my case in exactly the way I need.  In his professional opinion, the masses on my ovary and uterus (did I mention the ER overlooked a few?  Which is exactly why we need to be our own advocates, people – everyone makes mistakes, even doctors) do not look like cancer.


However, he is going to treat them as though they could be.

*Whew* again.


We are awaiting lab results for some preliminary tests that can be an indicator of the presence cancerous tumors, but that aren’t entirely definitive.

We are waiting for a copy of the genetic screening report that was run by the fertility clinic back in 2002 when I was an ovum donor.

When it arrives, I will go see a geneticist who will take a look at the report and determine if any other, more recently discovered genetic tests can be run.  Hopefully, with all this genetics screening, we will know a lot more about whether or not these masses are cancerous – or may become so, in the future.

We are waiting for me to start a new cycle, joy of joys, and then I will go in for an ultrasound to see what, if anything, has changed.

And then… well, then we decide what happens next.  Biopsy?  Partial lady-bit removal?  Total?  Time will tell. 

I’ve pretty much decided that if any surgical procedures need to be done, I will go to the Mayo Clinic.  They really know what they’re doing, and have the latest technology and clinical trials – and they accept my insurance.

That, my friends, is what you might call a win-win situation. 

*Oh, and?  I can’t tell you how much everyone’s support means to me.  I can’t, really – because once you’ve seen an ugly cry like that you’ll never be the same, and I’m going to try and spare you.  For now, anyway.*